Learning Meeting for Parents Thursday 17 th September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning Meeting for Parents Thursday 17 th September 2015

Teachers in Year 5 Class Teacher – Miss J Horner Teaching Assistant – Mrs K Allen Mrs Vikmanis PSHE & RE (Friday) Mrs Spyrou Thursday morning

National Curriculum (2 nd year of implementation) Why the big curriculum change? The main aim is to raise standards. Although the new curriculum is intended to be more challenging, the content is actually slimmer than the current curriculum, focusing on essential core subject knowledge and skills such as essay writing and computer programming. The main changes (in core subjects) English Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling (for example, the use of commas and apostrophes will be taught in KS1) Handwriting( not currently assessed under the national curriculum) is expected to be fluent, legible and speedy Spoken English has a greater emphasis, with children to be taught debating and presenting skills. debating

A National Curriculum Maths Five-year-olds will be expected to learn to count up to 100 (compared to 20 under the old curriculum) and learn number bonds to 20 (currently up to 10) Simple fractions (1/4 and 1/2) will be taught from KS1, and by the end of primary school, children should be able to convert decimal fractions to simple fractions (e.g = 3/8) By the age of nine, children will be expected to know times tables up to 12×12 (used to be 10×10 by the end of primary school) Calculators will not be introduced until near the end of KS2, to encourage mental arithmetic. Science Strong focus on scientific knowledge and language, rather than understanding the nature and methods of science in abstract terms Evolution will be taught in primary schools for the first time Non-core subjects like caring for animals will be replaced by topics like the human circulatory system

A National Curriculum Design & technology Design and Technology has become more important in the new curriculum, setting children on the path to becoming the designers and engineers of the future More sophisticated use of design equipment such as electronics and robotics In KS2, children will learn about how key events and individuals in design and technology have shaped the world. ICT Computing replaces Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with a greater focus on programming rather than on operating programs From age five, children will learn to write and test simple programs, and to organise, store and retrieve data From seven, they will be taught to understand computer networks, including the internet Internet safety – currently only taught from – will be taught in primary schools Languages Currently not statutory, a modern foreign language or ancient language will be mandatory in KS2. Children will be expected to master basic grammar and accurate pronunciation and to converse, present, read and write in the language

Statutory Tests The following assessments will be statutory: The existing progress check for two-year-olds A short reception baseline, as part of the assessment that teachers make of children in reception The year 1 phonics check Teacher assessment at the end of KS1 in mathematics, reading and writing KS2 national tests in mathematics, reading, and grammar, punctuation and spelling; and a teacher assessment of maths, reading, writing and science KS1 and KS2 tests will be based on a scaled score The response document explains that the KS1 and KS2 tests will be based on a scaled score where 100 represents the new expected standard for the relevant KS.

Teaching sequence at Eastlands Find out what children can already do Intervention groups to support children to access new learning ‘Teach to the top’ Review learning and correct misconcepti ons/highligh t next steps

Assessment at Eastlands Teacher assessment and test outcomes “Effective Marking” Assessment For Learning in lessons Ongoing collation of evidence against National expectations Weekly mental maths and spelling tests Half termly/termly progress tests Termly pupil progress reports to parents Moderation of assessment judgements within and beyond school Class plan and pupil progress meetings

Reading (AR)- 5 tests rather than 3 Spanish Pen licences Homework Friday – Wednesday Being prepared – taking responsibility Home School Communication Books Signing agreements

Curriculum Overview 1 7/9 2 14/ / / 9 5 5/ / / / / / / / / / / / / /2 19 8/ / / /3 23 4/ / / / /5 28 9/ / / / / / / / / 7 HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY PRIME LEARNING CHALLENGE Prime Learning Challenge Were the Anglo-Saxons really smashing? WOW: a simulated dig with children having to work out what certain artefacts would have been used for (Rugby Library loans service) Why is Brazil in the news again? Wow: Show a special video about Brazil which captures the main aspects of the country / Trip to Botanical Gardens Were the Vikings always victorious and vicious? Wow: Visit to Jorvik. Why should the rainforest be important to us all? Wow: Show some film clips of the rainforests How can we re-discover the wonders of Ancient Egypt? Wow: Visit Leicester museum / Borrow artefacts from Rugby Library loan Service or watch Relevant video…. SCIENCE PRIME LEARNING CHALLENGE How different will you be when you are as old as your grandparents? Animals inclu humans Do all animals and plants start life as an egg? All living things Could you be the next CSI investigator? Properties and changing materials Will we ever send another human to the moon? Earth and Space Wow: Visit to the National Space centre in Leicester or have an astronomer visitor in school i.e. Jerry Stone Can you feel the force? Forces COMPUTING Unit: Sounds E-safety, Programming, Technology in our lives and Handling data Unit: Shape and Weather E-safety, Programming, Multimedia and Handling data Unit: Find out and Share E-safety, Programming, Multimedia, Technology in our lives. ENGLISH Rewrite the story of Beowulf in own words; Story writing; Letters and diaries; Historical report; Journalistic writing; Fact files about rainforest animals; Descriptive writing about setting and/or animals (use images of the rainforest or text illustrations) Letter to employer explaining why the tree was not cut down (The Great Kapok Tree) Persuasive writing – rainforest conservation; Reports/explanation about rainforest ecology; Story writing set in the rainforest. Historical reports about The Vikings Journalistic writing about a Viking Raid; Report writing about the life of Vikings; Instructions (recipes); Invitations; Write an entry about an imaginary dragon for a ‘dragon spotter’s guide’; Write a ‘how to’ guide about caring for a dragon. Fact files on planets; Interview Neil Armstrong; Explanation; Information texts; Newspaper reports; Diaries and letters; Historical reports; Diaries and letters; Instructions; Playscripts; Story writing; HANDWRITING

Learning Challenge One Were the Anglo-saxons really smashing? Who were the Anglo-Saxons and how did they influence our life today? E.g. Law and Order What evidence do we have today that the Anglo-Saxons were ever here in the first place? Which Anglo-Saxon Christian symbols remain with us today? Can you create your own Anglo-Saxon art focusing on tessellations? Who were the famous Anglo-Saxons, and why was Alfred so ‘great’? Can you work as a group to create a model Anglo-Saxon settlement?

Enhancing the Curriculum Anglo-saxon day – tomorrow! Birmingham Botanical Gardens -9 th March 2016 Egyptian day – 16 th May 2016

YORK Thursday 14th January 2016 – Friday 15th January 2016 Cost £79 per child In order to book a place for your child we require a £40 deposit (non refundable) by 24 th September 2015 with the remaining balance to be paid by 30th November centre.co.uk

PE This half term PE will be on a Monday morning, and then on Tuesday morning with Premier Sports. From 23 rd October we will be going to Rugby Gymnastics club on a Friday instead of our Monday morning session. More information to follow!

Any Questions?