Rules: 1. Come to class prepared (with pen/pencil, paper, texts, etc.). If you need to borrow a writing utensil, you will be asked to exchange some form of collateral for said item. 2. Be in your seats, and ready to begin class, when the bell rings. 3. Raise your hand to answer or ask a question; no call outs. 4. You must ask for permission to leave the room.
5. You may not get out of your seats during class without permission (unless otherwise noted). 6. Finish all assignments, and do all assignments to the best of your abilities. See the posted policy for Make-Up/Late Work. 7. Be courteous to other students and other students’ opinions and ideas. 8. Be respectful to your teacher, other students, guests, etc.
Procedural Expectations 1. Students will be expected to perform a variety of writing and critical thinking exercises. 2. Students may be required to read a variety of materials (i.e. – academic journal articles related to course material/discussions). Some of these will be out of class assignments.
3. Students will be assessed through a variety of tasks (which will vary in degree of difficulty, content, and type of task). 4. Students may be expected to participate in cooperative group activities. If group activities are pre-announced, students will take the appropriate seats and prepare for the activity upon entering the room. The key words are “may be”. It is doubtful, however, as I think the concept of group work promotes laziness amongst a few.
Rule Specifications 1.You are not to “back talk” your teacher, or class guests, at any time. 2. There is to be NO harassing or “dogging” of a classmate. 3. School and classroom rules are not to be broken. (If they are, a suitable punishment will swiftly follow).