1 Copyright © 2013 Tata Consultancy Services Limited Present Tense 9/25/2016.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2013 Tata Consultancy Services Limited Present Tense 9/25/2016

2 Agenda Present simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Tense: Form of the verb that indicates the time.

3 The Present Simple NOW PASTFUTURE

4 Present Simple - Usage Use the Present simple tense for – Habitual actions – The school bus arrives at 3:00pm everyday.. Permanent situations and facts – The sun rises in the east. NOW PASTFUTURE Everyday !

5 Present Simple - Usage Use the Present simple tense for – Directions and Instructions – Enter your Password. Newspaper headlines – Campaign ends for first phase of polls. NOW Campaign ends

6 Present Simple - Usage Use the Present simple tense for – Stories narrated in the present tense – “The king enters. The courtiers rise and bow, they wait for the king to take his seat.” Commentaries – Sachin hits the last ball for a six.

7 Present Simple Form Affirmative – subject + base form verb (+s/es) Ex. I dream He dreams Negative – subject + aux verb ‘do’ (do/does) + not + base form verb Ex. I do not play golf. He does not play golf. Interrogative – Aux verb ‘do’ (do/does) + subject + base form verb Ex. Do they live in Singapore? Does he live in Singapore?

8 Present Simple – Forming the 3 rd person singular Add ‘s’ to the base form verb – draws, knows, jumps For verbs ending in a consonant +‘y’, change the ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add ‘es’ – tries, cries For verbs ending in ‘o,s,z,x,ch and sh’, add ‘es’ – wishes, misses Note – in the negative form, the auxiliary verb ‘doesn’t’, has the ‘s’, so the main verb does not need an ‘s’ He doesn’t swim. He doesn’t swims.

9 Present Simple – Common Errors Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences. He play cricket with his friends every day. Where works your wife? She no like idli and sambar. They goes to movie every Saturday. You lives in Bangalore? Why you no go to office?

10 Present Simple - Activity Form sentences using the words below watchesmixesthinksamazes believesknowshasreads meansgoesdrinksplays Hitslaughsholdssleeps

11 Present Continuous NOW PASTFUTURE

12 Present Continuous – Uses To talk about an action that is in progress at the time of speaking Ex. I’m sorry I can’t come, I’m watching a movie. Hi Jane. We’re going fishing! Would you like to come? I’m sorry. I can’t. I’m watching a movie. It’s my favourite.

13 Present Continuous – Uses To emphasize very frequent actions (‘always’ is used frequently) Ex. She is always reading to her dog.

14 Present Continuous – Uses To describe developing situations Ex. It’s going to rain It’s going to rain!

15 Present Continuous – Uses To talk about a temporary action that is not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking. Ex. What are you reading these days? I’m reading ‘The seven habits of highly effective people.’

16 Present Continuous The present continuous tense present simple tense of ‘be’ + present participle of the main verb (verb + ‘ing’ – drawing). Affirmative – subject + aux verb + ‘be’ + verb + ing Ex. He is painting. Negative – subject + aux verb ‘be’ + not + verb + ing Ex. I am not writing. Interrogative – aux verb ‘be’ + subject + verb + ing Ex. Are they listening?

17 Exceptions – Stative verbs Stative verbs are non action verbs and therefore not usually used in the continuous tense. These are formed using the simple present tense. Below are a list of common stative verbs : Love, hate, understand, hear own, owe, believe, want, mean, weigh, remember

18 Stative verbs can be classified into the following categories : Verbs of the senses – see, hear Verbs expressing feelings and emotions – like, love, hate Verbs of mental activity – remember Verbs of possession – own Exceptions – Stative verbs

19 Present Continuous – Common Errors Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences. I am believing in God. He is having three sisters. I am understanding you. She is having a headache. They are living here for last 3 years.

20 Simple Present tense - Habitual actions Permanent situations and facts Directions and Instructions Newspaper headlines Present continuous tense - To talk about an action that is in progress at the time of speaking To talk about a temporary action that is not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking. To describe developing situations Take Away Stative verbs are not usually used in the ‘ing’ form!!

21 The Present Perfect NOW She has lived here for ten years May or may not continue in the future FUTURE

22 Affirmative (sub+aux verb “have”+past participle) - I have painted. - I have written. Negative (sub+aux verb“have”+not+past participle) - I haven’t painted. - I haven’t written. Interrogative(aux verb“have”+sub+past participle) - Have you painted? - Have you written? The Present Perfect

23 The present perfect always has a connection with “now”. The event/action in the past has an influence/result now ‘Where’s your pen?’ ‘I don’t know. I’ve lost it.’ ( I haven’t got it now) He told me where it is but I’ve forgotten it. (I can’t remember it now) ‘Is Meera here?’ ‘No she has gone out.’ (She is out now) ‘Have you seen my book?’ ‘I can’t find it?’ (do you know where it is now) The Present Perfect - Uses

24 We have been to China ! It’s a beautiful place When we talk about completed actions without a time reference. - I have completed my work - We have been to China The Present Perfect - Uses NOW PAST

25 When we talk about actions/states that began in the past and are still continuing at the time of speaking We have lived here since 1990 (still live here) I have practiced for two hours The Present Perfect NOW PAST Started in the past and is still continuing

26 The Present Perfect When we describe past actions with present results -Oh I’m sorry! I have spilt coffee on the floor - Can I borrow your pen? I have lost mine

27 The Present Perfect To give new information or to announce a recent happening. Ouch! I’ve hurt my knee! The road is closed. There’s been an accident. The police have arrested two people in connection with the recent riots. (news item)

28 4:00 pm In a sentence we use for to denote period of time - I have been waiting for four hours -She has been sick for three days In a sentence we use since to denote point of time I have been waiting since 4.00 pm She has been sick since Monday Period of time The rule with for or since Four Days Point of time

29 Regular and Irregular Verbs Regular verbs are those whose past tense and past participles are formed by adding an -ed to the end of the verb e.g. plan-planned, roll-rolled, derive - derived Irregular verbs do not have set patterns to form past tense and past participle e.g. eat-eaten feel-felt sell-sold

30 The present perfect continuous It relates the past activities to the present. Affirmative (sub+ aux.verb ”have” +been + verb + ing) -I have been sleeping Negative (sub+ aux.verb ”have” + not +been + verb + ing) -I have not been sleeping Interrogative (aux.verb ”have” + sub + been + verb + ing) - Have you been sleeping?

31 Present perfect continuous is used in the following situations: To talk about an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped or is still going on. - I have been studying French for two years (he’s still studying it) -We have been watching television. (we still are) - I am tired because I have been driving (I am tired now) - It is wet outside because it has been raining ( It started raining two hours ago and it just stopped) Is it raining? No, but the ground is wet. It has been raining It has been raining. We’ve been waiting for two hours NOW

32 What have these people been doing ? NOW 1 2

33 NOW Mary is going home. Has been painting Has painted Present Perfect Continuous – interested in activity Present Perfect – interested in result 3
