Advanced JavaScript Course Introduction SoftUni Team Technical Trainers Software University
SoftUni Diamond Partners
Table of Contents 1.Course Objectives 2.Course Program 3.Trainers Team 4.Examination 5.Learning Resources 3
Front-End Level at the Software University 36 credits Web Fundamentals ( HTML + CSS + WordPress ) Lectures + TW + labs + exam 4 weeks * 3 times 6 credits JavaScript Basics Lectures + TW + labs + exam 4 weeks * 3 times 6 credits JavaScript Applications Lectures + TW + labs + exam 4 weeks * 3 times 8 credits Advanced JavaScript Lectures + labs + exam 3 weeks * 3 times 8 credits JavaScript Frameworks Lectures + TW + labs + exam 5 weeks * 3 times 8 credits
Advanced JavaScript Course Objectives & Program
6 1.Course Introduction – course program, exams, trainers, evaluation, resources 2.Functions and Function Expressions – advanced functions, IIFE, scopes, closures 3.Working with DOM – access / create / edit / delete elements 4.Working with Events – basics event handling 5.How to simulate OOP in JS? – OOP, objects, prototypes, function constructor, this 6.Prototype chain and Inheritance in JavaScript – prototype chain, inheritance Advanced JavaScript – Course Program
7 7.JS Design Patterns – module, revealing module, revealing prototype patterns 8.JS Best Practices – naming, scoping, this, variables, strict mode 9.Lab – working with JS modules 10.Exam Preparation 11.RequireJS – AMD, RequireJS, defining modules, defining dependent modules 12.Practical Exam – Implementing JavaScript modules Advanced JavaScript – Course Program (2)
8 The "Advanced JavaScript" course is NOT for absolute beginners Take the "JavaScript Basics" course at SoftUni first: The course is for beginners, but requires previous coding skills Requirements Coding skills – entry level Computer English – entry level Logical thinking Warning: Not for Absolute Beginners
The Trainers Team
10 Bogomil Dimitrov Part-time SoftUni Top performing student from the SoftUni (2014) Studying Business IT in NBU Yordan Darakchiev Technical Software University Top performing graduate from the Telerik Software Academy (2013) Top performing student at the Software University (2014) Trainers Team
11 Volunteer teaching assistants Developers from the software industry Scholarship students from SoftUni Volunteer Teaching Assistants
Advanced JavaScript: More Details Duration, Languages, Technologies
13 Lectures: ~ 10 hours (onsite + YouTube videos) Practical exercises (in class): ~ 10 hours Homework: ~ hours Exam preparation: 4 hours Exam: 4 hours Schedule: February 2016 Exam date: 21 February 2016 Training Duration – Advanced JavaScript
14 Why the slides are in English? English is the native language of the software engineers Specific terminology should be in English Translations are inaccurate and funny Just learn English! No excuses Why English?
Advanced JavaScript Evaluation Criteria
16 Exam – 90 % Homework + evaluation – 5 % + 5 % Presence in class: 5% (onsite students only) Bonuses: up to 10 % Scoring System for the "Advanced JavaScript"
17 1-2 practical problems for 4 hours You should implement several modules Your project should be written in JavaScript Your project should correctly follow the principles of high-quality code You are not allowed to use external libraries Practical programming exam The total exam score comes from code review by the SoftUni team Advanced JavaScript Exam
18 Doing your homework is very important! Programming can only be learned through a lot of practice! You should write code every day! Each lecture is followed by a few exercises Try to solve them in class The rest are your homework Homework assignments are due in 1 week after each lecture Submission will be accepted through our web site: Homework Assignments
19 Give feedback to a few random homework submissions Students submit homework anonymously Please exclude your name from the submissions! For each homework submitted Students evaluate 3 random homeworks From the same topic, after the deadline Give written feedback, at least 200 characters Low-quality feedback report for punishment Everyone will get feedback for their homework Homework Peer Reviews
Resources What We Need Additionally?
21 The Advanced JavaScript official web site: Register for the "Software University Forum": Discuss the course exercises with your colleagues Find solutions for all course exercises Share source code / discuss ideas / help each other Course Web Site & Forums
22 All lecture slides, videos, homework assignments, projects and other resources are open content, available for free Visit the course web site to access the course resources JavaScript OOP Slides and Videos
Mozilla Development Network (MDN) Web Platform JavaScript Books JavaScript: The Definitive Guide JavaScript: The Definitive Guide JavaScript: The Good Parts JavaScript: The Good Parts JavaScript Patterns JavaScript Patterns 23 JavaScript Resources
24 Software University Learning System (SULS) Important resource for students Homework submissions Homework check-up Exams and results Reports about your progress … Software University Learning System (SULS)
25 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2015 Sublime Text WebStorm Komodo IDE Recommended Software
26 The "Advanced JavaScript" course teaches How to simulate OOP in JavaScript Training program Advanced functions, OOP, prototype, inheritance, design patterns, RequireJS, best practices Practical exam Implementing JavaScript modules Learning resources Lectures, videos, software, books, forum Summary
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Advanced JavaScript – Course Intro
License This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.) is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" licenseCreative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International 28 Attribution: this work may contain portions from “JavaScript OOP" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA licenseJavaScript OOPCC-BY-NC-SA
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