INT213 Active Server Pages using Visual Basic Scripting
Tim McKenna ● cs/~tmckenna ● see standards ● my background ● a non-scents environment, please. Trust your pheromones.
INT213 – Active Server Pages using VBScript 1. What is ASP, IIS and VBScript? 2. Taking the course Test (1), quizzes (5), labs (10) Assignments (4) Textbook & portable hard drive Minimum course requirements Marks-ism 3. How to succeed
INT213 – Active Server Pages using VBScript ● why take this course? ● program for yourself and users. Not application programming. ● DAT702 – Intro to DB for administrators ● automate administration tasks skills translate to all other scripting languages and to your future Windows and UNIX scripting courses all corporate users need a sign on script!
A S P & I I S ● ASP = Active Server Pages Active – not just static HTML, pages with logic to process variable data and generate HTML Server – process Active pages' logic, interact with DB and access server resources, e.g. ● IIS = Internet Information Server Windows web page server and manager receives ASP file request, processes the page, sends resulting HTML to the client's browser.
VBScript – Visual Basic Script ● VBScript – logic stored in ASP files, processed by IIS ● scripting language derived from Visual Basic scripting language derived from Visual Basic Lightweight, interpreted programming language ● Relatively easy-to-use Relatively easy-to-use easier than ASP.NET or JScript or JavaScript or Perl or Ruby-on-Rails or PHP or C or Java or … VB usually on Microsoft platforms only ● Connects to databases using SQL (Structured Query Language)
VBScript – Visual Basic Script Sample script to display numbers from 1 to 10: <% 'loop ten times, output counter For count = 1 to 10 if (count <= 5) then Response.write " small: " else Response.write " BIG: " end if Response.write count Next %>
INT213evaluation Labs 10 labs for 10 marks (worth a lot more than 1 mark each) 100% late penalty after due date but most labs require previous lab must be demonstrated in lab period Tests & Quizzes 1 midterm test worth 20%. Aid: one page of handwritten notes 5 quizzes worth 3% each. No aids. Quiz and Test dates will be announced on the web page. Assignments 4 assignments worth 25% ( ) Final Exam worth 30%minimum performance is 55% Studies have been done: Ritalin will not help. Aid: one page of handwritten notes See course outline's Promotion Policy
INT213evaluation Career Strategy: Be good enough to be paid to do it. "An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a narrow field." – Neils Bohr Learning: class, lab, program & debug Knowing: the project plan budgets two hours for tests and exams. Done out of your head, not with a computer.
Business evaluation Good enough to be paid to do it. i.e. you provide value Test, Quiz or Exam frequency is...? When paid in dollars, expected performance is...?
INT213 textbook Teach Yourself Active Server Pages 3.0 in 21 Days by Mitchell and Atkinson No longer carried by bookstore. Can find used or online for those who like paper. Available at (search for title in eBooks) Linked on course page
Do I need the textbook? Taking a course without reading the textbook is like watching TV with the sound off: you know who confronted who but not why
INT213 hard drive recommended ● YOU should have A PORTABLE HARD DRIVE in a removable tray or a laptop Avoid tweaking lab computers to run IIS Lab PCs forget your work on shutdown/restart. Lab PCs remember your work after log off. ● Its got to have Windows Professional or Server on it. non-current “home” versions will not run IIS ● Taking WIN210? You will install Server there. create a dual boot drive keep this course separate from WIN210
INT213 development tools ● lab computers have Notepad++ Open source ● TextPad is an optional editor Shareware better support for ASP when configured using my recommendations ● browser to run ASP: use Firefox Chrome is all Googly but has quirks.
IIS and lab computers ● Internal drives support IIS ● Start IIS service (icon somewhere on desktop) ● Note that c:\Inetpub\wwwroot cleared on user login ● backup before you leave (zip your files and to yourself)
Succeeding in INT213 Come to class. Take notes. Read the book. Do the labs. Do it each week. You can take this course as many times as you like.