AB 982 AND THE DRECP A B RIEF O VERVIEW California State Lands Commission Jennifer DeLeon February 22, 2013
CONTENTS: Background on the legislative and policy framework for staff’s current efforts Milestones reached to date Anticipated activities PURPOSE: Pursue exchanges with BLM and other available land transactions to consolidate school lands. Participate in development of the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) to ensure consistency with CSLC’s management responsibilities.
B ACKGROUND : L EGISLATIVE AND P OLICY F RAMEWORK Executive order #S-3-05 (June 1, 2005, Schwarzenegger): reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to 80% of 1990 levels by SB 2X (Simitian, Ch. 1, Stats. of 2011): sets the “33% renewables by 2020” goal. MOU between the CSLC and the Renewable Energy Action Team (REAT) (September 2011): participate in DRECP Development. AB982 (Skinner, Ch. 485, Stats. of 2011): Land exchanges with BLM to consolidate School Lands
AB 982: W HAT I S I T ? Signed by the Governor October 5, 2011; took effect January 1, 2012 Created Chapter 2 of the School Land Bank Act (Division 7.7 of the Public Resources Code) CSLC – BLM land exchanges: for consolidating School Lands CSLC – CDFW consultation: for development or mitigation considerations
AB 982: H OW D OES IT R ELATE TO THE DRECP? CDFW consultation: Lands not suitable for conservation, or Lands are suitable for mitigation or conservation Data being developed, organized, and shared for DRECP will help drive the exchange proposal AB 982 and DRECP share common goals of renewable energy development and environmental protection
AB 982: H OW D OES IT R ELATE TO THE DRECP? Opportunities Momentum Resolve “inholdings” Potential streamlining advantage Challenges Conservation: “perpetuity”; revenue generation on CSLC-owned conservation land; mineral potential Appraisal process Potential Federal process constraints
M ILESTONES R EACHED PRESENT May 2012: MOA with Dept. of Interior (through BLM) to facilitate and prioritize land exchanges that are best suited for large-scale renewable energy project development. December 2012: DRECP “interim” document, Description and Comparative Evaluation of Draft DRECP Alternatives, released to the public; includes preliminary identification of priority development and conservation areas. January 15, 2013: Presented a preliminary land exchange proposal to BLM that offered current school land “inholdings” for BLM land identified in the preliminary DRECP maps as “development areas”
A NTICIPATED A CTIVITIES Continue to participate in development of the draft DRECP and EIS/EIR (September 2013 release) Coordinate with BLM staff to identify priority exchanges and: Develop maps and language for DRECP Enter into agreements Consider options for CSLC’s role in DRECP implementation including: Facilitating use of School Lands for conservation Develop permitting/participation recommendation for Commission
O UTCOMES Support the State’s efforts to achieve the Renewable Energy goals set forth in AB 32, SB 2X, and executive orders Improve CSLC’s ability to develop School Lands for revenue generation by consolidating landholdings/ reducing inholdings Develop and manage the CSLC’s desert School Lands consistent with the Commission’s 2008 Resolution supporting the environmentally responsible development of school lands for renewable energy related projects