Snakes By, Alex, Noah, Jannelle, Ashley,
Snakes descriptions are… a Rattle Snake a Cobra Snake a Sea Snake a Corn Snake a Poison Snake scales venom/poison long tongues big mouth no legs/arms long bodies
Snakes ecosystems are… They live in water, deserts, and in the wilderness. They live in the Western Hemisphere and in the mountains. They live in grass, forests, and sandy water. They live in trees,leaves, dirt, and dry wet soil places all over the world.
Snakes eat… mice deer pigs rats goats lizards frogs fish birds …eat snakes Hogs Fox People Eagles Mongoose Hawk Alligator Badger
Snakes adaptations are… Camouflage helps the snake hide. Venom helps kill faster. Bright colors warn enemies. They look similar to other snakes that make them look poisonous. Snakes use tongues instead of noses to smell.
A Cobra can kill from the moment it`s born. One dried tablespoon of its dried poison can kill 160,000 mice. An Anaconda can be as big as school bus. When a snake sheds it`s skin, it`s eyes turn milky white, temporarily having an effect that makes the snake almost blind. Fun/Gross Facts about Snakes
Resources Snakes by Valerie Bodden National Geographic Kids Alexandra Research Snakes by Nic Bishop Bing (Online picture)