Jeopardy Take Me to the River Rocking Rulers Just Philosophizin’ Have you seen my god? Greece Is the Word Final Jeopardy
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Question Answer Take Me to the River -100 ANSWER: This is the home of the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers. Give the name of the ancient civilization and the meaning of its name. QUESTION: What is Mesopotamia and “the land between the rivers”?
Question Answer Take Me to the River -200 ANSWER: Human beings learning how to control crops and domesticate animals took place over the many years that comprised this revolution. QUESTION: What is the Neolithic Revolution?
Question Answer Take Me to the River -300 ANSWER: The River Ganges runs through this country/subcontinent and is the holiest in Hinduism. QUESTION: What is India?
Question Answer Take Me to the River -400 ANSWER: The earliest civilizations that we have studied appeared in these locations. Name at least three countries/locations. QUESTION: What are Africa, Asia, Middle East, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, India?
Question Answer A-500 ANSWER: Online curriculum program. QUESTION: What is techpaths.
Question Answer ANSWER: A king or queen is in charge in this kind of gov’t, practiced by some Greek city-states QUESTION: What is a monarchy? Rocking Rulers -100
Question Answer Rocking Rulers -200 ANSWER: Ancient Chinese dynasties believed these determined the success of their rule. QUESTION: Who are gods (in the Mandate of Heaven/Dynasty Cycle)?
Question Answer Rocking Rulers -300 ANSWER: Alexander, Qin, and Hammurabi all are examples of this type of ruler and this type of ruling. QUESTION: What is an emperor and an empire?
Question Answer Rocking Rulers -400 ANSWER: This emperor had his code etched in stone. Name the guy and an example of one of his laws. QUESTION: Who was Hammurabi and eye for eye, pay a fine for a rich man’s punishment, thrown in river, etc.?
Question Answer B-500 ANSWER: QUESTION:
Question Answer Just Philosophizin’ -100 ANSWER: This guy’s philosophy had the greatest and largest influence on traditional Chinese society and gov’t. Name him and five of something. QUESTION: Who is Confucius and the Five Relationships?
Question Answer Just Philosophizin’ -200 ANSWER: “Go with the flow ” and a certain symbol of balance (along with Winnie the Pooh!) are most closely associated with this philosophy. Name the symbol, too! QUESTION: What is Taoism and yin- yang?
Question Answer Just Philosophizin’ -300 ANSWER: This man’s belief, popular among some in ancient Athens, says that human reason and logic are supreme and should control our natural desires. QUESTION: Who is Plato?
Question Answer Just Philosophizin’ -400 ANSWER: Sparta and Athens differed in many ways; name one belief of each that distinguished one from the other. QUESTION: military as highest value/love of the arts & philosophy/direct democracy, etc.?
Question Answer Tech History -500 ANSWER: An interactive whiteboard that is connected to a computer and a data projector QUESTION: What is a Smart Board?
Question Answer Have you seen my god? -100 ANSWER: Most ancient civilizations practiced this type of religion; belief in one God is known by another term. Name both. QUESTION: What are polytheism and monotheism?
Question Answer Have you seen my god? -200 ANSWER: Siddhartha Gautama reached this state and became this religious figure. Name both. QUESTION: What is enlightenment and who is Buddha?
Question Answer Have you seen my god? -300 ANSWER: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva have these major responsibilities in the Hindu universe. QUESTION: What are creation, preservation, destruction & recreation?
Question Answer Have you seen my god? -400 ANSWER: Why Buddha looks different, depending on the time and/or place, is an excellent example of this phenomenon. QUESTION: What is cultural diffusion?
Question Answer D-500 ANSWER: QUESTION:
Question Answer Greece Is the Word -100 ANSWER: These two Greek city-states are very different from each other and the most well known. QUESTION: What are Athens & Sparta?
Question Answer Greece Is the Word -200 ANSWER: Perfection—found in humans, buildings, and other forms in nature QUESTION: What is the Golden Ratio/Rectangle?
Question Answer Greece Is the Word -300 ANSWER: This form of gov’t was open to only the smallest percentage of Athenians— males over 19 years old. Name the gov’t and name the type of person allowed to participate. QUESTION: What are direct democracy and a citizen?
Question Answer Greece Is the Word -400 ANSWER: Indian, Egyptian, Greek, and Persian cultures mixed it all up in this era of civilization after this guy died. Name both. QUESTION: What is Hellenistic civilization, and who is Alexander the Great?
Question Answer E-500 ANSWER: QUESTION:
Question Answer FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: Name three differences and two similarities between Hinduism & Buddhism OR Athens & Sparta. QUESTION: