Figure B1. Income levels associated with poverty lines. Note. Vertical bares indicate bias-corrected Hall confidence intervals. Data. German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure.
Figure 2. Incidence and intensity of poverty in the overall population. Data. German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure. Figure B2. Incidence and intensity of poverty in the overall population. Note. Left figure: head count ratio. Right figure: poverty gap ratio. Vertical bares indicate bias- corrected Hall confidence intervals. Data. German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure.
Figure B3a. Head count ratios by household type. Note. Vertical bares indicate bias-corrected Hall confidence intervals. Dashed lines refer to absolute poverty line; solid lines refer to relative poverty line. Data. German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure.
Figure B3b. Poverty gap ratios by household type. Note. Vertical bares indicate bias-corrected Hall confidence intervals. Dashed lines refer to absolute poverty line; solid lines refer to relative poverty line. Data. German Sample Survey of Income and Expenditure.