French culture
First Group leader: 李瑜锋 members: 朱达 刘亚妮 颜路 何丽丽
Holiday Tradition Etiquette and taboo Fashion and perfume food culture Art of buildings
Catholic 天主教的 Christian 基督教 ( 徒 ) Resurrection 复活
Easter eggs
Symbol of Easter——Rabbit
Parents are not allowed to meddle( 干预 ) your all behaviors,
Kings and queens ruled
military parade ( 阅兵仪式 )
There are some other’s festivals: La Saint-Sylvestre 31 st,Dec ( 圣西尔韦斯特节 ) La fête des Rois the first Sunday of each year ( 三王来朝节 ) Le Chandeleur 2 nd,Feb ( 圣蜡节 ) Le mardi gras the last day of Carnival( 狂欢节 ) ( 封斋前的星期二 ) La Saint-Valentin 14 th,Feb ( 圣瓦伦丁节即情人节 ) La fête de la musique 21 st,June ( 音乐节 )
The French social etiquette( 礼仪 ) The French dress etiquette The French dining etiquette The French custom taboo( 禁忌 )
The French social etiquette Gregarious (爱社交的) Romantic and adventurous Liberalism (自由主义) liberte( 自由 ) egalite( 平等 ) fraternite( 博爱 ) Chivalry (骑士风度)
The French dress etiquette Parisienne (巴黎式样) bowknot( 蝴蝶结 ) , monochrome( 单色 ) formal attire Decent collocation( 合理搭 配 )
The French dining etiquette pasta( 面条 ) elbow( 肘部 ). When laying down knife and fork,half on the dish,half on the table.
The French custom taboo irises (鸢尾花) cock (公鸡) pearl (珍珠) To avoid personal problems:politics,money
French fashion Paris garment industry is very famous in the middle centuries.
Brand 1, louis vuitton ( 路易 威登 ) 2, Chanel ( 香奈儿 ) 3, BALENCIAGA ( 巴黎世家 ) 4, Hermes ( 爱马仕 )
louis vuitton ( 路易 威登 ) A history of 150 years Seeking refinement and quality Founded in: 1854 Activity: Leather goods, ready- to-wear, shoes, watches, jewelry, textiles( 纺织品) High price Famous for bags
Chanel: 香奈儿 Name after Gabrielle Chanel Found in 1913
Now Chanel is one of the most well known and instantly recognisable brands in the world.
France have a long tradition and skills in the art of making perfumes. It is the capital of perfume. Perfume stands for noble. It is the dream of every woman. French perfume is well-known throughout the world.
The perfume (香水) No. 5 was created after a fortune teller (算命者) told Coco Chanel that her lucky number was five. It was released on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year, May 5th It was internationally popular with women of high society in particular. “
Perfumes Grasse ( 格拉 斯 ) located in South Of France The capital of Perfumes 80% of perfumes made in here
French food culture The French people are very particular about food. The France is well-known as one of The Three Kingdoms in cooking.
Food Culture Three most famous food in France : Wine, Cheese Bread and Snail( 蜗牛 ).
French triple gem( 法餐三宝) Snail: French snail is regarded as the gold of the meat because of it’s abundant nutrition. And the baked snail is the most popular in cooking way. In France, eating snail is a symbol of style and riches. Goose liver( 鹅肝) : It’s a traditional delicious food of France. Lobster( 龙虾): A big meal of French lobster is famous around the world.
French Culture of bread To French people, the bread plays an important role in their food just like the role of the rice in Chinese food. There are various bread in France.French people like to eat the bread with butter and jam( 果 酱).
French wine As we know, French wine is the most famous wine around the world because of it’s long history and excellent taste. And different prices can also meet the consumers of all levels. There are red wine and white wine.
Mushrooms corns petits pois( 青豆 ) carrots
Place of dinnerware( 整套餐具) in France.
After dinner, the Frenchman usually drink a cup of coffee, eat one or two fruit, or a piece of ice-cream.
Table manners Neat: keep your table neat and clean. Keep silence: You should keep silence when eating food. Noise is impolite.
famous French intrest of places
some famous buildings Versailles 凡尔赛宫 Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 Notre-dame 巴黎圣母院 Louvre Museum 卢浮宫 champs Eiysees 香榭丽舍大街 Provence 普罗旺斯
The creation of the great castle was due to Louis ⅹⅳ who abandoned the Louvre to build a royal palace. In 1789 the royal family finally returned to Paris. In 1837 , Louis-Philippe decided to convert it as the museum of French history. Nowadays , the castle has been restored to be as beautiful as in the past.
Visitos should not miss two very special gardens found in Versailles : the "Orangery" and Vegetable Garden. In the "Orangery" there are 1 , 000 Mediterranean trees - orange , lemon and pomegranate buautiful gardens in it
The beautiful river Seine and the high Eiffel Tower,they stand for Pairs. They have a long and rich history.
The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel) is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars, beside the River Seine, in Paris, France. It is the most famous French landmark and is used as a symbol of France. At the time of its construction in 1889 it was the tallest structure in the world, and remained so until Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, it is a premier tourist destination, with over 5.5 million visitors per year.
Golden in the Eiffel Tower
the heaven of art--Louvre Museum 。
The Louvre Museum The Louvre Museum is the largest national museum of France. It is a central landmark of Paris, located on the Right Bank of the Seine in the 1st neighborhood. Nearly 35,000 objects from prehistory to the 19th century are exhibited over an area of 60,600 square meters
journey of Louvre Museum
the core of the Paris It is still used as a Roman Gothic cathedral( 大教堂) and is the seat of the of Paris. Notre Dame de Paris is widely considered one of the finest examples of French Gothic ( 哥特 式的 )architecture.
the hall of Notre-dame
The champs elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world ; line with its cinemas , cafe and luxury specialty shops At the very heart of is one of the most symbolic palaces in the city , representative of its spirit and its glory.
It is famous for lavenders and vinous liquor. In Provence,the local people have a soft singing accent which evokes their whole relaxed lifestyle.