National Air Traffic Controllers Association 1 July22-August 1, 2016 Inbound/Outbound at Oshkosh FLYING TO OSH?
National Air Traffic Controllers Association 2 PLANNING YOUR FLIGHT Flying IFR or VFR know the NOTAM. Carry the NOTAM. Plan an Alternate Airport.
IFR OPERATIONS Special Traffic Management Program Procedures need to be followed. Controllers cannot get you a slot. Chicago Center, Minneapolis Center and surrounding Approach Control facilities will not accept airborne flight plan filing within 150NM of OSH. Follow the NOTAM on IFR clearance Pickup, Milwaukee Approach Control will not issue airborne IFR clearances within 100 NM of OSH. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 3
FLIGHT FOLLOWING Know when to ask and when not to ask. The NOTAM needs to be followed to assure a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of traffic. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 4
WHY CAN’T I GET FLIGHT FOLLOWING? In congested airspace controllers need to prioritize services. Radio traffic is a major factor in limiting a controllers ability to provide flight following. Lessons learned have shown that Milwaukee Approach Control must limit services within 70 NM of OSH. As pilots near the start of the VFR arrival procedures controllers need a predictable point where all pilots are operating on the same plan. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 5
GREEN BAY APPROACH CONTROL Contact Green Bay for flight following if you are north of the Manitowoc(MTW) to Appleton (ATW) line and within 40 NM of GRB. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 7
CONTROLLER FEEDBACK Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are the busiest times at GRB. The weekend before is mostly inbounds and the last weekend is outbound, but middle of the week is both. Avoid GRB and ATW airspace. It would help pilots if they knew GRB airspace, not Class C--but our airspace boundary. Big problem we have is VFR flight following---GRB does not offer it south of GRB mainly---Pilots always calling up in MKE airspace asking for it--they are not in our airspace. Only north and east or west of GRB we do. Another problem is IFR pickup in the air. Can’t always get that done. Too busy-pilots should not expect it. One other issue is filing IFR to GRB then trying to get into OSH IFR. Big NO- NO. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 8
GREEN BAY APPROACH AIRSPACE National Air Traffic Controllers Association 9
MADISON APPROACH CONTROL Contact Madison Approach on any route in their airspace. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 10
MILWAUKEE APPROACH CONTROL Preplan your route through Milwaukee’s airspace to follow the NOTAM. No flight following north of the extended line through East Troy (57C)-Milwaukee General Mitchell (MKE). USE CAUTION: MDW inbound jet traffic crosses the shoreline at 3,000. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 11
CONTROLLER FEEDBACK We as controllers just wish and hope that adhering to the NOTAM that is published every year is our best advice to a GA pilot. Here in MKE. We deal with scope clutter, tag overlapping, tons of VFR's that we have to constantly dodge by vectoring IFR A/C around. If GA pilots would just adhere to the NOTAMs, our jobs would be that much easier. In the NOTAM it talks about no IFR pick ups within so many miles of OSH but yet every year we have pilots who just want to try their luck with us that we won’t be too busy to issue them an IFR. Also every year we have several a/c that call up for VFR flight following even though the NOTAM says we will not be providing that service The other thing I cant stress enough is the need for patience. Pilots in general need to understand that every thing we do has a process. Flying into a huge event like EAA requires more rules than we would normally be controlling with. You cant always be number 1 for the field and we are always going to run you out for the advertised approach. Regardless of if it is clear and a million out we have to run you out for the approach. Also if you want flight following we suggest you file IFR and wait your turn to take off. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 12
MILWAUKEE APPROACH CONTROL National Air Traffic Controllers Association 13
ENROUTE to OSH Our controllers will see a marked increase in VFR aircraft proceeding in the general direction of OSH as the date nears, we can usually tell which airports have the best gas prices as the migration develops. Increased requests for Flight following during Oshkosh are expected. National Air Traffic Controllers Association 14
WHAT WILL HELP? Be patient when requesting services. Be prepared with flight information. Have a plan and a backup. If weather becomes an issue give a PIREP. If you have an issue with weather, navigation, aircraft..etc tell us in a timely manner, don’t wait. Controllers are not the air traffic COPs we want to know as soon as you need us to know. FOLLOW THE OSHKOSH 2016 NOTAM National Air Traffic Controllers Association 15