1.Read and review the coordinate point task that you are given. 2.Open the “Geometry Pad” app. 3.Plot each ordered pair, as directed by your task, using the “Geometry Pad” app. 4.Save the initial version of your completed task, without coordinate points listed, as “First Name_Last Name_Original”. This should be saved as a pdf file. 5.Edit each point to display coordinate points. Save this file as “First Name_Last Name_Answer Key”. This should be saved as a pdf file. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will correctly plot coordinate points, applying their previous knowledge of the x- and y- axis, the origin point, and quadrant I of the coordinate plane. Graphing Coordinate Points
This task uses:. Learning Objective(s): The student will correctly plot coordinate points, applying their previous knowledge of the x- and y- axis, the origin point, and quadrant I of the coordinate plane. The student will then submit their completed task to an open assignment on blackboard. 1.Open the Blackboard link on the home screen. 2.Using your log in information, sign in to Blackboard. 3.Click on the “Assignments” tab on the left hand side. 4.Open the “Coordinate Plane Assignment” link to submit your saved pdf from the first task card into the Google Form.
Graphing Coordinate Points 1.Create a word problem telling a story that accurately represents the progression through the coordinate points you have been given. 2.Open the “Educreations” app. 3.Import your completed pdf from the “S” task card (original, NOT answer key). 4.Narrate the story problem you created, then save. 5.Open the Blackboard link on the home screen. 6.Using your log in information, sign in to Blackboard. 7.Click on the “Assignments” tab on the left hand side. 8.Open the “Coordinate Plane Assignment” link to submit your Educreations narration of the word problem into the discussion board for your homeroom. 9.Once you have posted your assignment, you must provide feedback on the completed project of at least two other students in your own homeroom. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will correctly plot coordinate points, applying their previous knowledge of the x- and y- axis, the origin point, and quadrant I of the coordinate plane. The student will then submit their completed task to an open assignment on blackboard, and provide feedback to at least two other students in their homeroom.
Graphing Coordinate Points 1.Create a word problem telling a story that accurately represents the progression through the coordinate points you have been given. 2.Open the “Educreations” app. 3.Import your completed pdf from the “S” task card (original, NOT answer key). 4.Narrate the story problem you created, then save. 5.Open the Blackboard link on the home screen. 6.Using your log in information, sign in to Blackboard. 7.Click on the “Assignments” tab on the left hand side. 8.Open the “Coordinate Plane Assignment” link to submit your Educreations narration of the word problem into the discussion board for your homeroom. 9.Once you have posted your assignment, you must provide feedback on the completed project of at least two other students in another teacher’s homeroom. This task uses: Learning Objective(s): The student will correctly plot coordinate points, applying their previous knowledge of the x- and y- axis, the origin point, and quadrant I of the coordinate plane. The student will then submit their completed task to an open assignment on blackboard, and provide feedback to at least two other students in another teacher’s homeroom.