Emergency Action Plan What to do in the event of an emergency.
2 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Purpose To identify procedures for safe evacuation & response in the event of an emergency. These are the emergencies we’re going to cover: –General Evacuation –Fire/Explosion –Severe storm –Power outage –Broken Sprinkler Heads
3 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Maps Evacuation Maps which identify primary and secondary exits. Tornado Shelter Maps are posted within your department. Copies are also available from Human Resources.
4 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Evacuation Procedures Upon hearing the fire alarm (Continuous Horn) or a notification over the PA system, all Team Members MUST exit the building following the evacuation routes. –These routes are posted in your departments areas. –See your Function Manager for the location of these postings.
5 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Evacuation Procedures If you are not in your department, use the nearest exit. Before you exit if possible: –Close all loading doors and release the dock locks on all trailers in Shipping and Receiving dock areas. –Turn off all conveyors and equipment if not already off. –Remain calm when exiting the building. –Exit the building immediately
6 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Where to Meet? All Team Members should meet at their designated meeting point. Please see handout of your department evacuation map. Contact your Function Manager to make sure they account for you. If your Function Manager is not at the meeting place, contact ANY Function Manager or Manager.
7 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation What to Do Keep out of the way of emergency vehicles and personnel. Follow the instructions of the Function Manager or Manager in charge of your evacuation location. Team Members should only return to the building when instructed by a Function Manager or Manager.
8 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Fire Response Procedures Contact security. Pull the fire alarm. Evacuate the building. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIGHT THE FIRE!!!!!
9 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Remember The only Team Members who are authorized to use the fire extinguishers throughout the building are the Emergency Responders.
10 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Extinguishers Fire extinguishers located on equipment, may be used by licensed equipment drivers. All Equipment drivers will be trained on the proper use of the equipment fire extinguishers if applicable.
11 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Function Leads The shift Function Lead will assume Function Managers responsibilities if a Function Manager is not on shift.
12 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Other Emergencies If you think you smell gas or discover a chemical spill you should: –Contact your Function Manager Or –Contact Maintenance Evacuate the area if you feel it is not safe.
13 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Severe Weather Safety If a severe weather warning in the area occurs, an announcement will be made to seek shelter immediately. Each department is assigned a safe area. –Contact your Function Manager for the location of your safe area. Remain in the area until the “all clear” is announced.
14 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Medical Emergency Report your incident to your Function Manager. The Function Manager will contact a First Aid Responder. In extreme circumstances, page for a First Aid Responder to your location. Please check the bulletin board for a listing of current First Aid Responders.
15 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Our First Aid Responders Lists of First Aid Responders are posted throughout the distribution center for your assistance
16 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Broken Sprinkler Heads If you break a sprinkler head or see that one is broken: 1.Call Security IMMEDIATELY!!! 2.Contact your Function Manager and Maintenance. 3.Assist in the clean-up of the spill.
17 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Power Outage During a sudden loss of power: –Stop all lift equipment immediately. –Do not resume operation until all lighting has returned. –Remain calm and wait for direction from your FM.
18 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Written Program There are many assignments covered in more detail in the Emergency Action Plan: –Emergency Response Team assignments. –Security responsibilities. –Maintenance assignments. –Function Manager assignments. –Second and Third Shift responsibilities.
19 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Other Details Details also include, policies for command center, contractors, drills, and training. A detailed Emergency Action Plan can be found in the front office. Please contact your Function Manager if you have any questions.
20 compliance programs: Emergency Evacuation Remember If you hear an alarm,you are to exit the building immediately. Do not wait to hear an all clear announcement.
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