The Republic of TEXAS Don’t mess with Texas
Mexican Independence In 1821 Mexico wins its independence from Spain Mexico now had to control all of modern day Mexico, Texas, AZ, NM, CA, NV, UT, and parts of CO and WY. They wanted to keep the US from claiming their land. The best way to keep America from claiming TX, was to have people living on the land. Tejanos- Spanish settlers living in Texas The problem with that is there wasn’t a lot of people living in TX. There were about 4000 Tejanos
Get People to Come to TX The Mexican government hired empresarios- agents, to recruit people to move to TX. They recruited the South along the Miss R. to get people to move. Empresarios were promised 67,000 acres for every 200 families they brought into TX. Moses Austin was an early empresario who recruited nearly 300 families to move from the US to TX. Moses died before he could lead the families to TX
Stephen F. Austin Son of Moses Austin Led the first 300 American families to TX He got 100,500 acres because he brought so many families The TX capitol, Austin, is named in his honor.
Why let Americans settle? 1. To protect against Comanche and Apache raids 2. To develop the land. If they raise crops and sell them then the Mexican Government can tax them 3. To keep the U.S. from claiming Texas
Requirements The Mexican government set up requirements for those who wanted the free land in TX. 1. They had to become Mexican Citizens 2. They had to obey Mexican Laws 3. They had to become Catholic. (Mexico was a Catholic country and the new people coming in had to become catholic to get the free land) Could you agree to these 3 things?
New Life in TX The settlers settled in the Eastern 1/3 of Texas. The land was rich and fertile, the weather was nice year round. Crops did well in this area. The settlers wrote letters home to friends and families telling them how wonderful Texas was. By 1834, 20,000 Americans had moved into Texas. Most of the Americans came from the South. They would pack up and leave their homes with GTT written on the door- Gone to Texas
Problems Problem- Most of the newcomers did not agree to the 3 requirements the Mexican government laid out. The biggest thing they were doing was bringing their slaves into Texas- against the law in Mexico 1830 Mexico passes law forbidding any more Americans to move to TX. Mexican 1832 General Santa Anna rises to power in Mexico Americans in TX believed time for action had come
Conflict Santa Anna soon tired of the Americans not doing what Mexico said. He was going to make them obey! He sent more troops to patrol Texas. Oct Troops go to the town of Gonzales to remove a cannon that the towns people used to protect themselves from Comanche raids. Towns people raised a flag saying “Come and take it!” in a brief battle the Texans defeated the Mexican soldiers.
Texas Independence Texas declares their ind. On March 2, They ask Sam Houston to lead their army against Santa Anna. Houston will become Texas’ first president. Houston TX is named for him
The Alamo Santa Anna sends 1800 troops to put down the rebellion. A small group of 189 Texan, Tejano, and American defenders took over an old Spanish mission in San Antonio known as the Alamo. Led by Col. William Travis the defenders held for 12 days until Mar 6, 1836 when the Mexican army storms over the walls. All of the defenders were killed including Americans Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie
Remember the Alamo After the Alamo the Mexican army marches to Goliad. Knowing what happened at the Alamo the 300 defenders of Goliad surrender. Santa Anna has all 300 executed. The Rallying cry for the rest of TX becomes “Remember the Alamo, Remember Goliad!”
Battle Of San Jacinto Sam Houston vs. Santa Anna Santa Anna gets there first, has his army camp along the bank of a river. Houston brings the TX army in on the opposite side of the river. Siesta – taking a break in the hottest part of the day for some food and a nap. Coercion- being forced to do something against your will Sam Houston waits to attack until it is into siesta time. He catches the Mexican army napping! They capture Santa Anna and force him to sign a treaty giving TX their independence.
The Republic of Texas The Republic of Texas aka the Lone Star Republic 1 st president Sam Houston Government and Constitution almost identical to US Slavery legal
The Republic of Texas TX had many problems starting out ◦ Economic- the nation was almost bankrupt ◦ Comanche raids ◦ Travel was difficult ◦ Lots of new immigrants ◦ Hard to defend it ◦ More fights with Mexico ◦ Border disputes
Bonus The Amusement park “Six Flags” takes its name because six different countries once claimed Texas. What are the Six countries? Write it out and hand to Mrs. Mercure or Mr. Irvine for a couple bonus points.