1970 Campus Dr. Evanston, IL
Library administration and facility manager will contact University Police (456) Facilities Management (1-5201) Daniel Linzer (Provost) Deering Library Staff Mudd Library Update Facebook and Twitter * Each department will follow their respective emergency procedures documented in the evacuation manual
1. Call University Police (456) and inform them that there has been a power outage at the University Main Library. 2. Organize circulation and make sure flashlights and lanterns are handed out
3. Proceed to the exit with a lantern and/or flashlight. Due to the power failure, the book alarm will not be functioning and the Exit student workers will be required to check patrons’ bags for any library materials. Use a chair to block one of the book alarm portals, and announce to the patrons that all bags must be inspected for library materials. Have the student worker stand at the other portal and begin checking bags using the flashlight. Have the other student worker turn the turnstiles to “Staff” and not let anyone else in the library because of the power failure. 4. Call Exit Desk in Deering (7-4085) and ask them if they have power and inform them of the situation in the main library. (Deering is connected to a different generator)
5. Take the stairs to each floor and check to see if anyone is stuck in both the staff and public elevators. If there is call University Police at Notify FOSM Chain of Command to determine whether the library will remain open.
1. Proceed to Circulation and play the automated announcement labeled “LACK OF POWER.”
2. Contact Suzette Radford and John Brdecka to inform them of the outage. Suzette Radford (847) 475 – 3452 (H) John Brdecka (630) 973 – 8404 (C) 3. Proceed to Deering and inform the student assistants in Art, Music, Music Listening Center, and Government Information that the library is closing due to a power outage in the main library. Proceed with the normal closing procedures for Deering. 4. Go to the second floor and lock the stairwell leading to the towers.
5. Take the stairs to the fifth floor and begin clearing the towers. As you clear the towers walk around the perimeter and check in each carrel to make sure no one is in there. Because of the power outage the fire doors at the entrance of each tower will shut, open them up. 6. Clear Core/Reserve. 7. Clear and lock Multimedia Center 8. Finish regular closing procedures
9. Call Norris Center and inform them that the library is closed (1-2300) 10. Contact Clare Roccaforte to update Facebook and twitter Put an Emergency sign in the revolving doors stating the library is closed because of the power failure. (Signs located at the Security Coordinators desk in a filing cabinet. The bottom left hand drawer)