NL911 Help. Anytime. Anywhere.
2 NL911 is a not-for-profit corporation established through the Emergency 911 Act. Since March 2015, we have been responsible for operating an emergency 911 telephone service throughout the province.
Reliable, easy, recognizable, three-digit emergency response service. Available throughout the province. Provides 911 callers with access to emergency responders at any time. 3 NL911 Service
How it works 4
911 calls are routed to two Public Safety Answering Points ( PSAPs ) : St. John’s Corner Brook Boundary based on number of phone subscribers. 5 NL911 Service
The 911 Call Taker requests; type of emergency (ie. Police, Fire, Ambulance) phone number location of the emergency (ie. Town, Highway) The call is then transferred to the emergency responder responsible and notifications are made to other agencies if required. 6 NL911 Service
PSAPs are redundant to each other: Phone routing system Data Tested annually – mock evacuation exercises Power source back-ups 7 NL911 Service
Highlights and Accomplishments 8
Standard Operating Policies and Procedures (SOPP) Training Curriculum Quality Control System Back Up Reports Established Operations 9
Multi-Agency Notification Process Change Management Protocol Reports Development Phone Line Outage Process Improved Operations 10
NLAFS and the Learn Not to Burn program Emergency Service Agencies Municipalities NL 911 Industry – Emergency Service Working Group (ESWG) 11 Partnerships
400 surveys representing all regions: 93% aware 911 service is available in the province 69% rated on a scale from 1-10 with having trust and confidence in the service. Lowest awareness – Western region Public Opinion 12
Emergency Service Providers and Municipalities: Different levels of understanding of the 911 service. All see the benefit of a three digit emergency 911 line. There is a need for determining a multiple-agency response. There is a need for better communication between NL911 and Emergency Service Providers. Stakeholder Audit 13
Enhanced 911 (E911) Automatic Number Information (ANI) Automatic Location Information (ALI) Next Generation 911 (NG911) Text messaging Video messaging Calls from devices Not yet available in Canada 14 Future Planning
Technical Infrastructure Telecom DataGIS Data Civic Addressing Future System Requirements 15
911 Call Statistics 16
18 CALL DISTRIBUTION APRIL MARCH 2016 Police 28,418 Ambulance 19,799 Fire 9,323 Non-Transferred 35,033 Other 380
What’s next? 19
Upgrades to the current system Education and awareness campaigns 20 Initiatives
Our mandate is to operate a province-wide emergency 911 telephone service that is efficient, cost-effective and is flexible and responsive to changing technologies. We will continue to focus our efforts on meeting our mandate and provide a service that is reliable, essential, local and forward thinking. 21 Our Focus
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