Grade : XI Semester : 1 Meeting : 64 Periods MANUAL TREATMENT FOR PIGMENTED FACE
DEPARTMENT (VOCATIONAL GROUP) BEAUTY CARE COMPETENCY STANDARD 7. MANUAL TREATMENT FOR PIGMENTED FACE 7.1 Identifying Pigmented Skin Abnormality 7.2 Operating Equipment for Facial Treatment 7.3 Manual Treatment for Pigmented
THE CONCEPT OF PIGMENTED FACE THE CONCEPT OF PIGMENTED FACE TREATMENT A treating action applied on face with hyper-pigmented or hypo-pigmented abnormality using materials, equipment and cosmetics
The aim of Manual Treatment for Pigmented Face : To reduce and cure spots on the face so that it looks healthy and clean.
Abnormalities on Pigmented Face a.Melanosis It is one of skin diseases called Melanosis (Chloasma) – a condition characterized by abnormal deposits of melanin (usually in the skin)
Abnormalities on Pigmented Face b.Lentigo A small brownish spot (of the pigment melanin) on the skin.
Abnormalities on Pigmented Face c.Vitiligo An acquired skin disease characterized by patches of unpigmented skin (often surrounded by a heavily pigmented border) due to the loss of melanin.
Operating the Equipment for Skin Treatment and Pigmented Face a.The equipment used for pigmented face treatment
Operating the Equipment for Skin Treatment and Pigmented Face a.The equipment used for pigmented face treatment b)Trolley
Operating the Equipment for Skin Treatment and Pigmented Face a.The equipment used for pigmented face treatment c)Box Sterilizer
Operating the Equipment for Skin Treatment and Pigmented Face a.Cosmetic Bowl b.Masking Brush c.Stainless-steel Washbasin d.Una Spoon e.Tweezers
PERFORMING THE Manual Treatment for Pigmented Face Figure : Cleansing massage 1)Cleansing with cosmetic cleansers.
2)Diagnosis is made before treatment aimed at deciding on the types of treatment and suitable cosmetics. PERFORMING Manual Treatment for Pigmented Face
3)Spot thinning on face (peeling) using a frimator Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face
4)Acupressure is performed by pressing the finger tips to massage the nerve system in the face Manual Treatment for Pigmented Face
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face 1)Starting from central part of the forehead, make a soft effleurage with both tips of middle fingers upward consecutively. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face 2)Make a rotating movement with both tips of middle fingers and ring fingers on the middle of forehead toward temples. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face 3)Make a soft zigzag stroking with both tips of middle finger and ring finger consecutively from left to right temple. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 4)Make a rotating movement with both tips of middle fingers from temple toward lower part of the eyes. Then stroke the eyelid to the temple. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 5)Make a rotating movement with all finger tips from chin toward cheeks and temples; then press the temples. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 6)Make a rotating stroking movement with both middle fingertips from lower lip toward upper lip and reversed movement. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 7)Make a rotating movement with both middle fingertips nose lobe upward the eye tips. Repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 8)Make a rotating movement on the edge of ear by clamping the lop ears with the thumb and forefinger. Rotation starts from the lower edge of lop ear upward; then, make stroking movement with thumb from upper edge of lop ear downward, and repeat it three times. Then, make a movement of opening and closing lop ears and repeat it three times.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 9)Make a chin-tapping movement with left and right backhands consecutively. Then make a tapping movement on the whole face with all fingertips.
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 10)Make a rotating movement with all fingertips starting from lower side of ears toward chest and is reversed. Repeat it three times
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 11)Make a rotating movement with all fingertips starting from lower side of ears and neck toward the shoulder edges and then make stroking and pressing movements with thumb from one shoulder edge to another. Repeat these three times
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 12)Make stroking and pressing movements with both thumbs from one shoulder edge to another; then make trembling movement with palms on the shoulder edges. Repeat them three times
5)Massage is performed by strong pressing to stimulate blood circulation. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology) 13)Make a soft stroking movement with both left and right fingers consecutively underside of back neck upward Repeat it three times
5)Taking comedo and acne out. Comedo and acne are taken out using una spoon; the skin is then cold-pressed with alcohol to avoid skin abscess. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology)
6)Comedo and acne treatment. Acne lotion is spread on the skin where comedo and acne are already taken out. Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology)
7)Spot/Pigment treatment. Spot/pigment is covered with Bleaching Cream Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology)
8)Special powder or pasta is used as a mask to whiten face Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology)
10) Ice cold-press is aimed at contracting the skin pores. 11) toner (tonic) is used as refresher. 12) shooting lotion is used for skin relaxation Modern Treatment for Pigmented Face (Using Technology)
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