WHS INDUCTION FOR CAROLINE’S CUISINE By Jonathan Akers 3 rd March, 2014
CONTENTS Workspace Checklist Incident/Accident Protocol First Aid Procedures Emergency Evacuation Procedures Health and Safety Representative Details/WHS Policy
WORKSPACE CHECKLIST Are you familiar with all the adjustment mechanisms on your chair? Are they in good order? Is the back support at an appropriate angle to the seat ( degrees)? Is the gap between the seat and back support appropriate (hand width)? Does the back support fit your back properly? Is there an appropriate gap between the edge of the seat and the back of your knee? Do the chair arms clear the workstation? Does the chair allow proper posture?
Is the desk at a proper height, depth and thickness? If there is an adjustable keyboard shelf, is it adjusted flush with the desk? Do you have sufficient leg room? Is the monitor positioned within arm’s reach? Is it at an appropriate tilt and height? Are the brightness, contrast and font size all appropriate? Is there any glare or reflections? If you have two screens, are they the same height? Is the keyboard positioned directly in front of you, at a comfortable distance?
Does the mouse comfortably fit your hand? Is it in the right position (close to the keyboard)? Mouse pad should be flat and in good condition. Is the posture correct (elbows close to body, forearm supported on desk, whole arm moving instead of wrist)? If you frequently transcribe from hard copy documents, do you use a document holder? If so, is it appropriately located (between monitor and keyboard OR next to and at the same height as the screen)?
Do you use a headset when you need to type during a phone conversation? Is there enough room on the desktop for all required items? Are there any distracting noises, smells or sights? Is the room brightly lit? Are the temperature and airflow both at comfortable levels? Are there any trip hazards? Is electrical cabling neatly run through the work area? Are any power adaptors overloaded? Is the workstation clean?
Do you perform any tasks that cause physical discomfort? Do you take appropriate breaks to go outside, perform RSI stretches, and relax from typing (these are all different things)? Are shortcut keys used instead of the mouse whenever possible? Do you take care to ensure personal hygiene? ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE IMPORTANT TO CHECK
INCIDENT/ACCIDENT PROTOCOLS Timing: All incident reports must be submitted within 24 hours of the incident occurring, so we can ensure a quick response. It’s best to do so on the same day as the incident, in fact. How To Make A Report: Fill out the incident form located with our WHS policy, and hand it into your supervisor, either in person or by . IMPORTANT: If the incident involves a serious injury or illness, the report must be made immediately so that WorkCover can be contacted. In this case, the site of the incident must be preserved. For example, if a window is broken by a branch during a storm, the report should be made as soon as reasonable- if the glass severely injured someone, a report would have to be made immediately.
FIRST AID PROCEDURES Firstly, our trained First Aid provider is Kathryn Martin- she works in accounts, her phone number is , xt: 678, or her mobile is The aid kit is located just inside the accounts office, above the fire hydrant- if you use any items from it, please mark down which items so they can be replaced as soon as possible. If an injury occurs (for example, if someone falls and hurts their leg), Kathryn should be notified so she can provide first aid and make further recommendations- the injury may require a trip to the hospital. Company policy is that any injured worker who requires hospitalisation be transported by either ambulance or someone else. And obviously, an incident report should be made as soon as possible.
The picture on the previous slide is also on display on every door of the workplace- it displays the emergency evacuation plan. In the case of an evacuation, please gather outside, at the corner of the street, so that we can make sure that everyone is present.
FINAL DETAILS Our Health and Safety Representative is Susan Fields, Project Manager Ph: Ext: 345, Mob: Our company WHS policy is located at as well as a form for making incident reports. Please consult it if you have any more questions.