Eynav Kliger 2016
Pharmaceutical R&D process The average time of drug development years The average probability of success in the cardiovascular system % Drug repositioning 2 Introduction
PAD – Peripheral arterial disease PAD results from Atherosclerosis Plaque built-up inside the arteries, blocks the blood flow in the peripheral arteries 3 Introduction
Atherosclerosis 4 Monocytes EC PMNLs Inflammation Endothelial dysfunction Anti- Inflammatory therapeutics Pro-angiogenic and Introduction
MCP-1 – Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Involved in multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, allergy and asthma, diabetic retinopathy, lupus nephritis, cancer Regulate leukocyte migration Negative regulation of angiogenesis 5 Pro – angiogenic target CCL2 as an example Glucos-amino-glycan Introduction
Chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 5 Expressed on T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, eosinophils and microglia Potential biomarkers in pulmonary arterial hypertension Crucial for leukocyte recruitment Positive regulation of inflammatory response 6 Anti – inflammatory target CCR5 as an example Introduction
Therapeutics: Pro-angiogenic targets Anti-inflammatory targets To find protein-protein interaction of PAD with known drugs FDA approved drugs 7 Objectives Prediction of therapeutics Objectives
8 89 pro- inflammatory targets 39 anti- angiogenic targets Literature review PINPAD protein-protein interaction of PAD 1233 proteins and 5726 interactions 3490 proteins and 21,164 interactions FDA-approved drugs from DrugBank 29 drugs5 drugs Mechanism of Action and original use of the drugs Literature review Methods
10 Results Literature review Anti- angiogenic pro- inflammatory Results
11 Results PINPAD + FDA approved Anti- angiogenic pro- inflammatory Results
Support for the potential biomarkers No link to anti-angiogenic properties Anti-angiogenic targets in PAD is a novel concept 12 Results Pro – angiogenic target CCL2 as an example Results
13 Results Anti – inflammatory target CCR5 as an example Study case – Maraviroc targeting CCR5 Results
14 Results Anti – inflammatory target CCR5 as an example Results
Comprehensive predictions of potential drugs and drug targets for PAD patients Collection of FDA- approved drugs targeting protein interaction found by network PADPIN These predictions form a basis for further validation and future translational research in PAD 15 Conclusions
16 Acknowledgement The paper authors 1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA 2 Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine and Robert M. Berne Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, USA
17 Thank you!
18 Thank you! Personal interest MCP-1 Primed PMNLs Endothelial dysfunction Monocyte Pre-transmigration activation Monocyte differentiation Monocyte transmigration Monocyte differentiation Monocyte Post- transmigration activation CX3CR1 CD54 (ICAM) CD14 CCR2 MCP-1 CX3CR1 CD54 CD14 CCR2