Patrick Sery LRC Coordinator
College of Education, Rm 434 o o o Hours of operation M-Th: 8-7pm F: 8-5pm Sat – Sun: closed Summer sessions: M-F: 8-5pm
Reception desk Classroom Rm434 Listening stations Rm433 Tutors’ area LRC Coordinator Rm436 LRC Director Rm432 Storage areas o Films Rm432 o Equipments (computer, camera, office supply…) Rm436
Classrooms o Calendar o Booking Equipment o Booking o Checking in/out Reception desk computers o Us-international keyboard o Look up and edit information in online databases o Share computer with clients
Calendar o Lrc website (Online) o Hours & Events LRC booking by teachers Logon to your at Click the “New dropdown menu” and choose “Meeting Request” On the popup window, click “Resources” and type “LRC” then the search icon From the result, select one of the options on the list: o For the Coed434 Classroom, choose “LRCRoomCOED434” Then, click “OK” You will return to the previous window, Click the “Scheduling Assistant Tab” Select the “Start Date and Time” then the “End Date and Time” (note that we have certain restriction on how long rooms and equipment can be held) That’s it, click “Send” NOTES: Check the time zone under the settings for dates and hours requested accuracy. Watch for scheduling conflict.
Example: Book classroom for every Thursday from 6-7pm to the end of the Fall2013 (Dec. 4 th ). Book classroom for September 3, 4, 5 th from 9-11am Cancel booking for September 4 th from 9-11am Book classroom for September 6 th from 7:30-9am
Film Collection o Check out by teachers Open the film collection database Locate the movie Open the Checkout in excel doc Click the button Paste into the checkout code column of film database doc Enter teacher’s alias (1 st part of ) under Teacher column Note: When film is returned, go through the same process but paste code into checkin code column. (Help instructor get the following movies: The Chaos, …)
Film collection o Check out by students Students not allowed to leave lrc with movies Student needs to turn in her/his 49ers ID Need to help student to viewing area Enter checkout, checkin code and Student ID in appropriate columns Student ID is returned when movie is returned (Example: Help Student view a movie)
Cameras (4SLR & 2Vixia); 2 for faculty Tripods (5Lights & 2 Heavy), Lightkits (4), Light with stands (6), BoomMic (4), Mics (4 Shotguns, 4 Lavaliers, 1 Wireless) Extension Cables (3) Audio Recorders (3) Foot pedal (1)
Equipment booking Logon to your Through 49er Express Click the “New dropdown menu” and choose “Meeting Request” On the popup window, click “Resources” and type “LRC” then the search icon From the result, select one of the options on the list: o For equipment, note that we have several of them, so please select the specific equipment you would to reserve. Then, click “OK” You will return to the previous window, Click the “Scheduling Assistant Tab” Select the “Start Date and Time” then the “End Date and Time” (note that we have certain restriction on how long rooms and equipment can be held) That’s it, click “Send” NOTES: Watch for scheduling conflict. Check the time zone under the settings for dates and hours requested accuracy.
Book Camera13, Shotgun Mic7, LightKit08 for September th Student returns LightKit08 September 25 th. Student wants to extend loan of Camera13 to September 30 th. Student wants to reserve Camera17 and Camera18 for September th
Setting Tutor’s Calendar Logon to your through 49er Express Click the “New dropdown menu” and choose “Meeting Request” On the popup window, click “Resources” and type “LRC” then the search icon From the result, select one of the options on the list: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, or Russian Then, click “OK” You will return to the previous window, Click the “Scheduling Assistant Tab” Select the “Start Date and Time” then the “End Date and Time” If it is a recurring event, click recurrence. Choose Weekly, the days of the week Click “End by” and specify end date Click “OK” That’s it, click “Send” NOTES: Watch for scheduling conflict. Check the time zone under the settings for dates and hours requested accuracy.
Go to your and switch to Calendar Locate and right click your scheduled meeting Click Delete, Make the necessary changes then click “Send Update” NOTE: You can choose to delete event on a specific date or this event and same event in the future
Lockdown browser (French) Saba Centra Sanako (Classroom mgmt and player recording) SDL Trados Kaltura (video recording) Audacity (Audio recording) Webtime Entry
COED 434