Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants May 8 th, 2009 at 2:30pm e.s.t.
2 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Presentation Slide Area Attendee List Chat Room Status Options Presentation Slide Area
3 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Submitting Questions Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Chat Room Text Box Arrow Button
4 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance ClaimantsPractice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today.
5 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the…
6 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Scale to FitScroll
7 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Presenters Presenters: Peter Neenan, Director, Division of Research and Statistics John Slenker, Regional Labor Market Analyst Moderator: Anthony Dais, Workforce Information Program Manager, OWI
8 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants
9 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Training and Employment Guidance Letter No Guidance for Implementation of the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act Funding in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and State Planning Requirements for Program Year 2009 $400,000,000 ᅳ Wagner-Peyser Act Funding – section 14 ᅳ Reemployment Services - section 15
10 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 15.Reemployment Services. The Recovery Act makes available funding for reemployment services (RES) in the amount of $250,000,000. These funds will be distributed to states using the Wagner-Peyser formula to supplement existing RES for UI claimants, and to support integrating Employment Service and UI information technology to identify and serve the needs of such claimants.
11 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Allowable Activities RES funding provides job search and other employment related assistance services to UI claimants and this may include: Services provided to UI claimants identified through the UI profiling system In-person staff assisted services Initial claimant reemployment assessments Career guidance and group and individual counseling, including provision of materials, suggestions, or advice which are intended to assist the job seeker in making occupation or career decisions Provision of labor market, occupational, and skills transferability information that clarifies claimants’ reemployment opportunities and skills used in related or other industries
12 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Allowable Activities, Cont. Referral to job banks, job portals, and job openings Referral to employers and registered apprenticeship sponsors Referral to training Assessment, including interviews, testing, individual and group counseling, or employability planning Referral to training by WIA-funded or third party service providers States should also evaluate potential technological changes and updates that would improve their capacity to serve growing numbers of UI claimants, as Recovery Act funds may be used for information technology required to identify and serve the needs of UI claimants
13 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Peter Neenan Director, Division of Research & Statistics
14 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants John Slenker Research and Statistics New York State Dept. of Labor Developing Job Orders for Unemployment Beneficiaries
15 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Targeting Job Orders for Claimants Find which occupations are in the pool of claimants Identify the most cost effective occupations for which to develop job orders Identify the most likely businesses that employ these occupations Have job orders ready for workers before they are laid off
16 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Identify pool of Claimants The OES Staffing Pattern is applied to the UI Beneficiaries based on the industry of their prior employer. The estimates produced yield a picture of the occupational makeup of the overall claim load not of an individual claimant (NY does not collect detailed occupations on UI claimants).
17 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Claims by Prior Industry PRIOR NAICS CONTINUED CLAIMS
18 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Apply Staffing Pattern to Claimants OCCCD SOCTITLE EMPL3 PERCENT Est.Occ. Industrial Eng % 53 Engineers, All Other % 37 Electricians % 31 First-Line Supervisors % 42 Elect.& Elect. Equip. Asse % 58 Electromech. Equip. Asse % 98 Team Assemblers % 134 Ass. & Fabric. All Other % 72 Machinists % 99 Inspectors % 54 Partial Staffing Pattern for New York State Industry 3363 Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Claims for industry 1379
19 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Get Occupations Apply the Staffing Pattern to All industries in the claim pool Sum by estimated occupations Whoever is responsible for the Occupational Employment Statistics in your state can do this analysis.
20 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Findings in New York The claims load is largely concentrated in a small number of occupations Concentrate on the top 50
21 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Occupational Distribution Top 10 occupations = 20% of claims load Top 50 represent over 50% Top 100 represent 70% The other 660 occupations comprise only 30% of the claim load
22 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Top 10 Occupations April Retail Salespersons 2.Office Clerks, General 3.Carpenters 4.Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 5.Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 6.Accountants and Auditors 7.Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 8.Waiters and Waitresses 9.Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 10.Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
23 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 11 to 20 Occupations 11.Cashiers 12.Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing 13.Security Guards 14.Construction Laborers 15.Child Care Workers 16.Customer Service Representatives 17.Electricians 18.First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Office and Administrative Support Workers 19.First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Construction Trades and Extraction Workers 20.Receptionists and Information Clerks
24 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 21 to 30 Occupations 21.Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 22.General and Operations Managers 23.Maintenance and Repair Workers, General 24.Actors 25.Combined Food Preparation and Serving Workers, Including Fast Food 26.Home Health Aides 27.Registered Nurses 28.Truck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer 29.Food Preparation Workers 30.Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop
25 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 31 to 40 Occupations 31.Painters, Construction and Maintenance 32.Stock Clerks and Order Fillers 33.Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 34.Sewing Machine Operators 35.Team Assemblers 36.Truck Drivers, Light or Delivery Services 37.Personal and Home Care Aides 38.First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Retail Sales Workers 39.Musicians and Singers 40.First-Line Supervisors/Managers of Food Preparation and Serving Workers
26 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 41 to 50 Occupations 41.Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers 42.Financial Managers 43.Packers and Packagers, Hand 44.Lawyers 45.Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers 46.Construction Managers 47.Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents 48.Computer Programmers 49.Dishwashers 50.Teacher Assistants
27 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Finding Openings Now we have a picture of the Unemployment Insurance Claims load Where do we find the Openings?
28 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Claimants vs Openings Given limited resources it makes sense to concentrate job development strategies on the top occupations
29 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Smallest Firms Have Most Hires
30 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Lots of Small Companies
31 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Large Companies Need Replacements from Turnover
32 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants 200 Times More Effective The number of contacts to generate ONE potential hire in the smallest firm class size would generate 196 in the largest firm class Most cost effective strategy is to target large firms, even without growth turnover provides openings
33 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants How to Target Job Orders We know the occupations of UI claimants Reversing the process the staffing patterns are used to identify firms likely to hire these occupations A list is then generated using the business directory and sorting by size of firm
34 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants New York State’s Business Directory
35 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants ARC Employer Database Use the Employer Locator to find contact information about a specific employer or list of employers. It will be necessary to contact each employer to see if they have job openings available. If you need help select Employer Locator Help below.
36 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Proactive not Reactive Occupations of claims load can be projected Seasonal patterns occur in the claims load The Occupations most prevalent last May will likely be most prevalent this May! Creates lead time for job development
37 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Top 10 Occupations April Retail Salespersons 2.Office Clerks, General 3.Carpenters 4.Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 5.Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 6.Accountants and Auditors 7.Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 8.Waiters and Waitresses 9.Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 10.Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
38 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Top 10 Occupations Last Year 1.Retail Salespersons 2.Cashiers 3.Office Clerks, General 4.Carpenters 5.Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners 6.Executive Secretaries and Administrative Assistants 7.Secretaries, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive 8.Waiters and Waitresses 9.Laborers and Freight, Stock, and Material Movers, Hand 10.Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
39 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Contacts and Links John Slenker rceindustrydata/bdirector.shtm
40 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants
41 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Question and Answer Period
42 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Submit your content to Workforce 3 One at: Submit your content to Workforce 3 One at: Simply log on to Workforce 3 One and look for the “Share Content” located on the Homepage Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas!
43 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Webinar Resources: Recordings available within 2 business days after the event. All resources are posted under the…
44 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants Stay Informed, Get Connected! Workforce 3 One: Communities of practice Live web-based events Register for updates! For more information about the workforce investment system: Visit Call US2-JOBS
45 Targeting Job Development for Unemployment Insurance Claimants