An Introduction to the AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program June 2016 1
About the AETC Program The AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) Program, a national program of leading HIV experts, provides locally based, tailored education and technical assistance to healthcare teams and systems to integrate comprehensive care for those living with or affected by HIV. The AETC Program transforms HIV care by building the capacity to provide accessible, high-quality treatment and services throughout the United States and its territories. The AETC Program supports the National HIV/AIDS Strategy. 2
Mission To improve the quality of life of persons living with or at-risk of HIV through the provision of high-quality professional education and training. 3
Map of the Regional AETCs 4
Who We Serve HIV care providers: Physicians, Physician assistants, Nurses, Advanced Practice Nurses, Pharmacists, Dentists/Dental Professionals Health profession students Other multidisciplinary HIV care team members 5
Training Modalities Overview 6 Training LevelDescription Level I: DidacticDidactic presentations, panel discussions, self- instructional materials, journal clubs, teleconferences and other formats. Level II: Skills BuildingInteractive learning through discussion of cases supplied by a trainer, role play, simulated patients, and train-the-trainer and other skill building activities. Level III: Clinical TrainingPreceptorships, "mini-residencies," or observation of clinical care at either the AETC training site or the trainee's workplace. Level IV: Clinical ConsultationConsultation, case-based discussion with cases supplied by trainee, or on-site clinical consultation at trainee’s clinical setting. Level V: Technical AssistanceTechnical assistance offered by regional partner sites
# of Training Activities by Modality (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) Type of Training# of Training Activitiesª % of Training Activities Level I: Didactic1, Level II: Skills Building2, Level III: Clinical Training1, Level IV: Individual Clinical Consultation 4, Level IV: Group Clinical Consultation1, Level V: Technical Assistance3, TOTAL14,890 7 a.A training event may contain more than one type of training interaction, therefore, the number of appearances in training events is greater than the number of training events. b.Because each training event may contain more than one type of training interaction, the sum of training interactions in all training events is >100%.
# of Training Hours by Modality (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 8 Type of Training# of Training Hours % of Training Hours Level I: Didactic2, Level II: Skills Building5, Level III: Clinical Training23, Level IV: Individual Clinical Consultation 3, Level IV: Group Clinical Consultation1, Level V: Technical Assistance8, TOTAL45,202
Profession/Discipline of AETC Trainees (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 9 Profession/DisciplineUnique TraineesPercent Nurse21, Physician13, Other Non-Clinical Professional8, Social Worker6, Pharmacist5, Advanced Practice Nurse4, Other Public Health Professional4, Health Educator2, Other Dental Professional2, Physician Assistant2, Dentist2, Mental/Behavioral Health Professional2, Community Health Worker2, Substance Abuse Professional1, Unknown Dietitian/Nutritionist Clergy/Faith-Based Professional1670.2
10 Most-Presented Training Topics (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 1.Antiretroviral Treatment 2.Adherence 3.Co-morbidities 4.Routine HIV Laboratory Tests 5.Clinical Manifestations of HIV Disease 6.Risk Reduction/Harm Reduction 7.Hepatitis (A, B, C) 8.Routine Primary Care Screenings 9.Opportunistic Infections 10.Routine HIV Testing 10
Common Employment Settings of Trainees (7/1/13 – 6/30/14) 11 Community Health Centers Hospitals/Emergency Departments HIV Clinics Academic Health Centers State/Local Health Departments Community-based Organizations Correctional Facilities Hospital-based Clinics Private Practice College/Universities
AETC Program Special Initiatives & Collaborations Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Federal Training Centers Collaborative (FTCC) National Quality Improvement/Management Technical Assistance Center (NQC) TARGET Technical Assistance Center Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) and other Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program initiatives HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) 12
National Centers: NCRC National Coordinating Resource Center François-Xavier Bagnoud Center, School of Nursing, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Centralizes training and clinical materials through a virtual library: Maintains the AETC Program Directory Fosters collaboration and group facilitation among AETCs and with external partners Provides marketing and communications services 13
National Centers: NEC AETC National Evaluation Center AIDS Policy Research Center at University of California, San Francisco Provides leadership in the development, design, testing and dissemination of effective evaluation models with emphasis on clinical training outcomes. Evaluates the outcomes of AETC clinical education and training programs with respect to changes in provider behavior and clinical practice. 14
National Centers: NCCC2 National Clinician Consultation Center University of California at San Francisco: Free expert clinician consultation to healthcare providers through phone and e-consultation: HIV Management Warmline Substance Use Warmline PEPline Perinatal PrEPline e-CCS Online Consultation 15
Health Professions Training Programs Supporting the expansion of accredited graduate nursing and physician assistant programs to include an HIV primary care focus Physician Assistant Program: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center Nurse Practitioner Programs: Duke University School of Nursing Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing University of California San Francisco School of Nursing Rutgers School of Nursing 16
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