The U.S. Becomes a World Power Early 1900s
Imperialism A larger, more powerful country taking over a smaller, weaker country “for their own good” –As seen by this political cartoon
The Debate over Imperialism Pros Markets to sell U.S. goods in Get raw materials from colonies Could spread the American way of life around the world It is the “white man’s burden” to educate natives Make them Christians Cons The U.S. fought Spain and kicked them out of Cuba for being imperialists Trading overseas would mean wars
Spanish-American War Spain controlled Cuba as a colony –Cuba wanted them out U.S. had business interests there in sugar plantations –Sent ships to patrol region –U.S.S. Maine explodes –Papers read “Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain –War breaks out
Spain Loses the War Sign Treaty of Paris, 1898 –Spain must give Cuba independence –Spain must give the U.S. Puerto Rico Guam –Spain will sell the Philippines to the U.S. $20 million
Roosevelt & Spanish-American War Theodore Roosevelt leads the Rough Riders Charge San Juan Hill Hero Returns home Gains Vice Presidency Pres. McKinley assassinated –Roosevelt becomes President
Philippine Insurrection U.S. promised Emilio Aguinaldo, a Filipino leader, that if he helped fight against Spain, his government would rule the Philippines after the war After the war, the U.S. established their own rule Aguinaldo saw it as hypocrisy –The U.S. fought for Cuba to have freedom –Now Philippines is not under Spanish control, but U.S. Aguinaldo led a revolt against the U.S. –Guerilla warfare –45,000 killed from fighting; mostly Filipinos Philippines did not get their independence
Panama Canal U.S. desires a short route from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean for trade and the military T. Roosevelt offers $10 million to Columbia (who controls Panama) for the canal zone –Columbia wants more money –Roosevelt supports Panama rebellion from Columbia Roosevelt finishes the canal
Panama Canal
“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.” Did Roosevelt “go far?” –He expanded the role of president –He expanded the role of the U.S. in world affairs Panama Canal Roosevelt corollary –U.S. job to protect the western hemisphere Open Door Policy –Opened China’s markets to trade
What is this cartoon referring to?
Open Door Policy China was carved into “spheres of influence” –Britain, France, Japan, Portugal, & Russia had spheres The U.S. wanted a share in China’s markets John Hay promoted the “Open Door” policy that would keep the door open to trade for all nations in all parts of China
Dollar Diplomacy Taft followed Roosevelt as President Liked the U.S. being involved internationally Gave money and loans to Latin American countries to influence them in the “American way”