Phonics Screening Test A guide for parents. What is phonics? Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skilfully. Children are taught.


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Presentation transcript:

Phonics Screening Test A guide for parents

What is phonics? Phonics is a way of teaching children to read quickly and skilfully. Children are taught how to recognise the sounds each letter makes and to identify the sounds that different contributions of letters make such as ‘sh’ and ‘oo’. Children are taught to read by breaking down words into separate sounds or ‘phonemes’. They are then taught how to blend these sounds together to read the whole word. At Himbleton Church of England First School we teach phonics following the government’s Letters and Sounds programme. Children start with 20 minutes a day when they are in Reception, this is then built up as the year progresses.

Why synthetic phonics? Research shows that when phonics is taught in a structured way, starting with the easiest sounds and progressing through to more complex sounds, it is the most effective way of teaching children to read. It is particularly helpful for children aged 5‐7. Almost all children who receive good teaching of phonics will learn the skills they need to tackle new words. They can then go onto read any kind of text fluently and confidently and for enjoyment.

What is the phonics screening check? The National phonics screening check is a statutory assessment that was introduced in 2012 to all Year 1 pupils and is a quick and easy check of your child’s phonics knowledge. The Phonics Screening Check is meant to show how well your child can use the phonics skills they’ve learned up to the end of Year 1, and to identify students who need extra phonics help. The Department for Education defines the checks as “short, light-touch assessments” that take about four to nine minutes to complete.

How is it administered? The children work with their class teacher in a quiet room. As said, it is a very short test and is administered in a fun way. The test materials are provided and can not be altered. All children have to take part. The children are used to working with their teacher and it will just form part of the normal week.

What’s on it? The checks consist of 40 words and non-words that your child will be asked to read one-on-one with a teacher. Non-words (nonsense words, or pseudo words) are a collection of letters that will follow phonics rules your child has been taught, but don’t mean anything – your child will need to read these with the correct sounds to show that they understand the phonics rules behind them.

What’s on it? The 40 words and non-words are divided into two sections – one with simple word structures of three or four letters, and one with more complex word structures of five or six letters. The teacher administering the check with your child will give them a few practice words to read first – including some non- words – so they understand more about what they have to do. Each of the non- words is presented with a picture of a monster / alien, as if the word were their name (and so your child doesn't think the word is a mistake because it doesn't make sense!).

Why pseudo words? These are words that are phonetically decodable but not actual words with an associated meaning e.g. brip, snorb. These words are included in the check specifically to assess whether you child can decode a word using phonic skills and not their memory. Why? i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghi t pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

When is the Phonics screening check? The week beginning 13 June 2016.

What will my child’s score mean? Your child will be scored against a national standard, and the main result will be whether or not they fall below or above this standard. In 2013, 2014 and 2015 the "pass threshold" was 32, which means children had to read at least 32 words out of 40 correctly. The threshold mark is communicated to schools at the end of June, after the test has been taken, so that teachers can mark the Check. You will be told how your child did at the end of the summer term, but individual results will not be published. If your child’s score falls below the standard, they will be given extra phonics help and can re-take the Phonics screening check in Year 2. All of the children are individuals and develop at different stages. The screening check ensures that teachers understand which children need support with decoding and are ready to be fluent readers at the end of Year 2.

How can parents help? There are a number of things that parents can do to support early reading development: Let your child see you enjoy reading yourself. They are influenced by you and what you do! Immerse your child in a love of reading Make time for your child to read their school book to you With all books, encourage your child to ‘sound out’ unfamiliar words and then blend from left to right rather than looking at pictures to guess There are many phonic games for children to access on the computer. Mr Thorne does phonics on You Tube abc PocketPhonics app

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