1 CfE Higher Biology 3.2(f) Gene Technology
2 Key areas: 3.2f Gene Technology (f) Genetic technology As a result of genome sequencing, organisms with desirable genes can be identified and then used in breeding programmes. Using genetic transformation techniques a single genes can be inserted into a genome and this genome can then be used in breeding programmes.
3 Gene technology Technology, genetic sequencing and genetic transformation all now play a pivotal role in animal and plant breeding. Genome sequencing involves investigating the sequence of bases in an organisms genome. This can be used to identify organisms with specifically desirable genes. We can then use this organism in breeding programmes to produce offspring with the desirable characteristics. Crop examples of this include: rice, maize and soya beans.
5 Artificial selection Can only use the natural variation in species. Breeders can take the desirable characteristic from one species and transfer it to another using genetic engineering techniques. Genetic transformation involves a single gene to be inserted into a genome. Research: insect resistant cotton.
7 Glyphosate An widely available herbicide used by farmers and gardeners to control weeds. Genetically modified soya beans contain the glyphosate resistant gene for herbicide tolerance. What would be the benefits of this to farmers?
8 Gene technology Explain how each of the following genetic technologies have been (or could be) used in breeding: Genetic transformation Genome sequencing Gene probes.
9 Gene terminology answers Genetic transformation Using genes from other species and introducing to the genome of the plants you are working with e.g. Bt toxin for pest resistance Genome sequencing Allows identification of genes of use for transformation and individuals that can carrying particular genes/alleles Gene probes Identifies homozygotes/ heterozygotes or presence/absence of particular markers to decide on breeding