San Francisco Homes for Heroes Campaign to End Veteran Homelessness Update Based on March 30, 2016 Data
End Chronic Homelessness for Veterans in San Francisco Reduce length of homelessness Improve assessment to place clients in the most appropriate housing placement Use existing data, not intrusive interviews when possible Ensure all clients are treated equitably, regardless of current case management connections Provide some client choice Improve data about level of need, length of homelessness, and housing preferences Coordinated Entry Local Goals
Ask, “Did you serve in the United States Military?” If the person served in the US Military complete: 1.The San Francisco 25 Cities Release of Information 2.The San Francisco Continuum of Care Coordinated Assessment Pilot Homeless Single Adults Referral Single Adults who did not serve in the US Military should complete only the San Francisco Continuum of Care Coordinated Assessment Pilot Homeless Single Adults Referral How to Assess and Refer a Homeless Person
Both of the documents are available online here: january-12-supporting-documents january-12-supporting-documents Please submit the referral online here: Mail the Veteran Release of Information to: PO Box San Francisco, CA Referral Documents
Current Status of 1412 Veterans in the City-Wide Registry
The current HUD VASH Payment standard in project based units limits the ability to recruit landlords to project base VASH. This project based model is ideal for the highest need veterans We appreciate the recent increase to the Housing Choice Voucher HUD VASH payment standards. Now, the ability to actually use the vouchers in safe and decent housing is limited by the rent reasonableness process that’s been required of the SF Housing Authority by HUD Primary Challenges