by Stephen R. Covey Presentation by: Fariha Khalid Sundus Iftikhar Syeda Hafsah Hasan
We are used to thinking that there are only 2 alternatives in every case. My team against your team. Environmentalists against developers. Rural against urban. 2-alternative thinking is deeply embedded in many of us. We keep fighting and go for a shaky compromise. Lose-lose situation.
The problem is usually not in the merits of our side but in how we think. The real problem is in our mental paradigm. Paradigm means a pattern or model of thinking that influences how we behave. It is like a map that helps us decide which direction to go.
The map we SEE determines what we DO and what we do determines what we GET. SEEDOGET
The 3 rd alternative is a way to solve the toughest problems we face. It is not your way and it is not my way. It is a higher way. OUR WAY MY WAY YOUR WAY
2-Alternative Thinking 3 rd Alternative Thinking I see only my “side”. I see my self - independent of my “side”. I stereotype you I see you - as a human being, not as just a representative of your “side”. I defend myself against you because you are wrong. I seek you out because you see things differently. I attack you. We make war on each other. I synergize with you. Together we create an amazing future that no one could have foreseen.
We get to the 3 rd alternative through a process called synergy. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Birds in a V formation can fly nearly twice as far as a lone bird because of the updraft created by the flapping of their wings. Every child is a 3 rd alternative with capabilities that never existed before. Those capabilities cannot be predicted by adding up the capabilities of the parents.
Breaks if 60,000 PSI is exerted Iron Breaks if 70,000 PSI is exerted Chromium Breaks if 80,000 PSI is exerted Nickel
210,000 PSI ChromiumIronNickel
300,000 PSI ChromiumIronNickel
Synergy is a miracle. It is a concept that is difficult for people to understand. Synergy is better than my way or your way. It is our way. It is a win-win situation. It is not a compromise where everyone loses something. Compromise breeds satisfaction but not delight.
My Way Our Way Your Way New Ideas
Step 1 Ask the 3 rd Alternative Question Step 2 Define Criteria of Success Step 3 Create 3 rd Alternatives Step 4 Arrive at Synergy
Transform Fight Flee
Hubris: The Great Barrier to Synergy The “GET” Principle G: Gain E: Emotion T: Territory Win/Win attitude The innovative power of Synergy 3 rd Alternative teams
Your side Compassion My side
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