Hirohito, Tojo, and the rise of Japan
Japan becomes an Imperial Power 1853: Matthew Perry forces the Japanese to open trade or face war 1868: Traditional government falls apart and the Meiji Era begins –Sends ½ of the government to learn from the Western world See Manchester (England) and realize the importance of Industrialization –½ stays in Japan Invade Korea
A new constitution is formed Japanese officials that were in the West learned about constitutions –Took ideas from the Prussian Constitution Why was this not successful? Meiji Constitution –Emperor at the top –Military answers only to the emperor (and in future will help rule) In the ’s Great Depression and Government Corruption lead to the military appointing a “Prime Minister” to rule with Emperor
Emperor Hirohito (Showa) 1926 he becomes the Emperor –Grandson of Meiji Appoints Tojo as Prime Minister
Tojo Hideki Tojo believed in the Racial Superiority of the Japanese people, especially over the Chinese. He was also ultra-nationalistic as well as very militaristic. He wanted to expand the Japanese empire throughout the Pacific Rim.
Tojo’s Rise to Power Joined the Japanese army His military service included periods in Switzerland and Germany Became “major general” in 1933 Became head of the Kwantung Army military police in 1935 He was appointed minister of war in 1941 by Fumimaro Kondoye A strong supporter of Nazi Germany He feared long term plans of Joseph Stalin Advocated pre-emptive air strikes on both China and the Soviet Union Executed for charges of being a war criminal in 1948
Post WWI Japan Japan is facing economic depression and large population –People of Japan cannot go across the Pacific, instead sent to Manchuria Looking for markets to sell their industrialized goods –Europe and Africa are taken by Europeans When Britain pulls out of China, Japan tries to take over Pan Asianism: “Asia is one”
Japan reminds Asians that Asia is larger and higher populated than Europe Japan claims that they are the “true” Asians and unless culture has reached Asia, it must not be fully Asian –To be “fully Asian” (according to Japanese) you must be controlled by the Japanese In other words: The Japanese believed they were helping the people they imperialized
Unless culture made it all the way up to Japan, the Japanese did not believe it was really “Asian”
Military and Political ideologies Invasion is necessary “Korea is the dagger into the heart of Japan” –To protect Japan you must control Korea –To protect Korea you must control Manchuria –To protect Manchuria you must control China If they resist you must force them!
Explain… Explain the differences between Hirohito and the other 20 th century leaders