KEK CC - present and future - Mitsuaki NOZAKi (KEK)


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Presentation transcript:

KEK CC - present and future - Mitsuaki NOZAKi (KEK)

LHC at CERN KEKB-Factory Photon Factory J-PARC in Tokai ILC Test Facility ATF STF

Lepton Quark e   Lepton CP Asymmetry Beyond Standard Physics KEK-B LHC J-PARC Power-Upgrade [Origin of Force] Higgs Particle [Origin of Mass] Quest for Birth-Evolution of Universe Quest for Unifying Matter and Force Super-KEKB International Linear Collider ( ILC ) Quark CP Asymmetry [Origin of Matter] Quest for 6 Quarks Quest for Neutrinos Scientific Activities Technology Innovation Encouraging Human Resources

From KEKB to SuperKEKB

KEK CC KEK staff – 15 researchers + 8 engineers Contractors – ~20 SE’s Budget ~20 Oku-yen/year – Central computing system : 5 Oku-yen – Network : 2 Oku-yen – B factory: 5 Oku-yen – Super-computer : 7 Oku-yen – Others : 1 Oku-yen

The 3rd CC.IN2P3-CRC.KEK Meeting Current Status and Future Plans at CRC.KEK 6 Rental from IBM ( Feb ~ Feb. 2012) Work Server, Computing Server –Program development, Job submission, etc. –IBM System x3550 (Xeon-QX 5460 x2, memory 16GB) –Computing Server : 84 nodes, SPECint_rate2006 –RHEL5 –Platform LSF HPC Software –CERNLIB, Geant4, CLHEP and ROOT –Monte Carlo Simulation codes Storage System –HPSS : 3PB –Disk storage : 205 TB Central Computing System : KEKcc HPSS : 3PB Tape Library (High Performance Storage System) Computing Servers HPSS Data Server/ File Servers GRID System CPU : 640 cores DISK : 200 TB TAPE : 3 PB CPU : 640 cores DISK : 200 TB TAPE : 3 PB

2008/10/21KEK site report - HEPiX fall 2008, Taipei7 B Factory Computer System The 3rd CC.IN2P3-CRC.KEK MeetingCurrent Status and Future Plans at CRC.KEK 7 3.5PB Tape Library 1.5PB Disk Storage Rental from NetOne (Mar ~ Feb. 2012) Computing Servers –DELL Power Edge M600 (Xeon QX 5460 x2, memory 4GB) –480 nodes : 70,000 SPECint_rate2006 –Linux(CentOS/CS) Disk Storage System – 1.5PB, 45 FileServers –HSM : 910TB, non HSM : 630TB Tape Library System: Petaserv(SONY) – 3.5PB + 68drive(SAIT1/2) + 14servers –SAIT 500GB/volume 7000 volumes –30MB/s (SAIT1) 45MB/s(SAIT2) Computing Server 480 nodes (12k SPECint2006 CPU : 4000 core DISK : 1.5 PB TAPE : 3.5 PB CPU : 4000 core DISK : 1.5 PB TAPE : 3.5 PB

The 3rd CC.IN2P3-CRC.KEK MeetingCurrent Status and Future Plans at CRC.KEK 8 Supercomputer System Hitachi SR11000 K1 System 16 nodes 2.15 Tflops (Theoretical peak ) 512GB memory IBM BlueGene Solution 10 racks, 1024nodes/rack 57.3 Tflops (Theoretical peak) Massive parallel system for Lattice QCD simulation HITACH SR11000K1 IBM BlueGene CPU (SR) : 57.3 TFlops Memory : 5 TB CPU (SR) : 57.3 TFlops Memory : 5 TB CPU : 2.15 TFlops Memory : 512 GB CPU : 2.15 TFlops Memory : 512 GB ジョブ使用率 A : 81 % B : 98 % ジョブ使用率 A : 81 % B : 98 %

Upgrade plan Central computer Mail, Web, … Research Belle SupercomputerNext system National projecttuningoperation

Future prospect of KEK CC Tier-0 for Belle-II (2014~ ?) – Tier-1 centers in Asia, Europe, Americas What if Super-KEKB and Super-B merges ? Tier-1 or 2 for SLHC (20xx~) ? – Needs discussion with ICEPP and ATLAS-J Continue R&D – GRID, GEANT4, GRACE, DAQ,…

PC Servers Disk Arrays Tape Robot ~270 m 2 ICEPP ATLAS Tier 2

Global link Asian accelerator network – G5 (China, India, Korea, Japan, Russia) Launched last December on the DG’s initiative Link to Europe through FxPPL (x=c,j,k,v) Why not “geographical enlargement” of FJPPL – Start with computing centers; CCIN2P3-KEK-KISTI-GRIDKA – Then invite other countries
