Status of Statistics In Anguilla Status of Statistics In Anguilla Managing Data Quality Documentation of Administrative Data’s Metadata in Anguilla The Valley, Anguilla, B.W.I 09 November 2012 Lori-Rae Alleyne-Franklin, Chief Statistician National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS)Workshop
Who are we? Our Mission and Vision History of Statistics in Anguilla What we do Where are we? Strategic Importance of Statistics Where do we want to be? ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
The Anguilla Statistics Department, with a mandate: a)to collect, compile, analyses abstract and publish statistical information relative to the commercial, industrial, social, economic and general activities and conditions of the people who are the inhabitants of Anguilla: b)to collaborate with all other departments of Government and with local authorities in the collection, computation and publication of statistical records of administration; c)to take any census in Anguilla; and d)generally to organize a coordinated scheme of social and economic statistics and intelligence ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
To produce relevant and quality statistics for use by both the private and public sectors of Anguilla and other interested parties in their decision-making. Pg. 2 Anguilla Statistics Department Charter To provide statistical services that maximize the appropriate use of statistics about Anguilla at home and overseas. By being the authoritative source in Anguilla on all statistics and statistical methods, and producing the best quality official statistics for improved decision-making in all sectors of the economy, through sustained partnerships with business, government and society at large, while at the same time preserving and enhancing our integrity and professionalism.
The statistical history of Anguilla, until the 1980s, was similar to that of other territories colonised by Britain: Occasional census Detailed trade data Few other statistics Most of this data was published as part of the statistical programmes of St. Kitts, Nevis and Anguilla, of which Anguilla was a part from 1958 until ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
In the early seventies, the Statistics Unit of the Government of Anguilla produced statistics about Anguilla’s society and conducted censuses in 1974, 1984 and The Statistics Act of Anguilla was passed in The first Statistical Abstract was published in 1984 and covered the period 1960 – ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
In the eighties, the statistical programme was further developed but with more emphasis on economic statistics. The first statistical surveys were conducted in 1985: ▫Household Budget Survey for the purpose of compiling the CPI ▫Annual Business Survey – for the purpose of compiling the National Accounts The unit consisted of 4 officers at this time. ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
In the nineties, the first sample survey was conducted The household survey was conducted again: ▫Household Budget Survey for the purpose of compiling the CPI ▫Labour Force Survey ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
The UK Department for International Development (DFID) provided funding for technical assistance, training and computers over a 4-year period from November In the 2001 Anguilla conducted it fifth census. Statistics Unit upgraded to a Department: ▫Own Budget ▫Chief Statistician ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
January 2002, the Statistics Department stopped producing paper publications and published all statistics on the Government of Anguilla web site. Established a business register - increase and ensure coverage in business surveys. In 2003 the Statistics Department carried out its first Computer Assisted Interview Survey (CATI), the topic being Reproductive Health. Continued in the years to conduct over 10 sample surveys and the sixth (6 th ) census ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
Economic Statistics: Merchandise External Trade Consumer Price Index Government Finance Statistics National Accounts and Balance of Payments International Trade in Services Statistics Export/Import Price Indices External Economy Statistics Environment Statistics Transport Statistics Utilities Statistics Pg. 4 Anguilla Statistics Department Charter 2005
Social Statistics: Vital Statistics Health Statistics Education Statistics Population and Housing Statistics Crime Statistics Poverty Statistics Decision Making & Power Censuses & Surveys Pg. 4 Anguilla Statistics Department Charter 2005
Services Offered: Survey Design & Management Questionnaire Design Electronic data capture of survey data Questionnaire Testing Data Tabulation and Analysis Fill request for data Pg. 4 Anguilla Statistics Department Charter 2005
▫Core, high quality, comparable and timely regional statistics and indicators are crucial to monitoring the performance. ▫These indicators are also useful in providing policymakers and analysts, with information to enable research and analysis leading for effective decision-making, thereby facilitating the monitoring, guiding and assessment of the impact of the development process. ▫Adopting a collaborative culture, processes, ▫ and tools can create greater value.
The source of official statistics for Anguilla. At the forefront as it relates to building the reputation of MDA’s and NSO in providing credible data. Leading a structured National Statistical System to the benefit of Anguilla. Completely align as it relates to the ASD’s operations with the UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics. Leading authority and repository on official statistics on Anguilla.
Designing and implementing National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) and to nationally own it. A NSDS is an overall national vision for the development of a country’s statistical system which will include the national regional and international needs. The NSDS will provide a vision for where the NSS should be in five to ten years and will set milestones for getting there. ‘Sound Statistics for Sustainable Development” Anguilla Statistics Department
NSS Coordinated by the Anguilla Statistics Department Citizens Government Agencies Civil Society Sectoral Ministries Regional and International Organisations Donor Agencies and Organisations The MediaPrivate Sector
Anguilla Statistics Department Old Court House Building P. O. Box 60 The Valley ANGUILLA, BWI Tele: / Ext:2871 Fax