Sampling: Samples are studied to make statements or decisions about the population when either the population is not available or it is too large to be studied. Sample and Population: The set of observations that is taken from some source of observations for the purpose of obtaining information about the source is called Sample whereas the source of these observations is called a Population. A sample is a part of the population which is studied not for its own sake but for making generalizations or drawing inference regarding the characteristics of the population from which it is selected.
Steps in Sampling Design: While developing a sampling design, the researcher must pay attention to the following points: 1.Type of universe 2.Sampling unit 3.Source list 4.Size of sample 5.Parameters of interest 6.Budgetary constraint 7.Sampling procedure.
Characteristics of Good Sample Design: Sample design must result in a truly representative sample. Sample design must be such which results in a small sampling error. Sample design must be viable in the context of funds available for the research study. Sample design must be such so that systematic bias can be controlled in a better way. Sample should be such that the results of the sample study can be applied, in general, for the universe with a reasonable level of confidence.
DATA COLLECTION AND METHODS The collection of data occupies an important place in statistical analysis The data collected are the foundation of the whole structure. We cannot get reliable results, if the data collected are not reliable. This data provides a raw material to statistical analysis and interpretation.
The data are of two types: 1.Primary data, which are obtained for the first time for statistical investigation, collected in a specialized way. These data are original in nature. Merits of Primary Data: 1.It is original in nature 2.It is more reliable, authentic and accurate 3.It can be used with greater confidence because the enquirer knows its origin, coverage and definitions. 4.It is generally free from bias 5.It exactly matches the need of the project.
Demerits of Primary Data: 1.It is expensive 2.It is time consuming 3.Sometimes it may be difficult to approach the exact source 4.Collection of primary data usually involves creating new definitions and measuring instruments such as questionnaires or interviews forms and training people to use these specifically designed instruments.
COLLECTION OF PRIMARY DATA: 1.DIRECT PERSONAL INTERVIEW Types of personal interviews: Structured Direct Interviews Unstructured Direct interviews Structured Indirect interviews Unstructured Indirect Interviews. Conditions for Successful Interviews: 1.Availability of information with the respondents. 2.Cognition 3.Motivation
2. INDIRECT ORAL INVESTIGATION This method is adopted generally in the cases when the information desired is complex or there is reluctance or indifference on the part of the informants or when the study in hand is extensive. Under this method, instead of directly approaching the informants, the investigator interviews several third persons, whom are directly or indirectly in touch with the information sought. Such a procedure is followed by the enquiry committees and commission appointed by the government. 3. INFORMATION THROUGH CORRESPONDENTS: This method is suitable only when there is a need for regular data from a large area. Local correspondents are appointed in different part of the area and they submit their regular reports to the central or Head office.
4. MAILED QUESTIONNAIRE: Merits: 1.A large field can be studied by this method. We can use this method in case where the informants are spread over a wide geographical area. 2.This is not an expensive method. It is cheap as mailing cost is much less than the cost of personal visit. 3.We can obtain original data by this method 4.It is free from bias of the investigator as the information is given by the informants themselves.
Demerits: 1.It may be difficult to get the cooperation of the informants in all cases. Sometimes they may not send back the questionnaires. 2.Questionnaires sent back by the informants may be incomplete or inaccurate and it may be difficult to verify the accuracy. 3.There may be delays in getting replies to the questionnaires 4.This method can be used only when the informants are educated or literate, so that they return the questionnaires duly read, understood and answered.
OTHER METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION: 1.Warranty card 2.Distributor or store audits 3.Consumer panel 4.Use of mechanical devices 5.Depth interviews 6.Content analysis.
Secondary Data: The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else. “Secondary data are those which are already in existence, and which have been collected for some other purpose than the answering of the question in hand” by M.M.Blair According to Wessel; “Data collected by other persons are called the secondary data” In most of the practical work, a secondary source is just as acceptable as a primary source, but proper care has to be taken while using secondary data.
Merits of secondary data: It is readily available. It is much less expensive as compared to primary data. It is less time consuming as compared to primary data. Demerits: There is possibility that proper procedure might not have been followed in their collection. There may not be relevant in the present context. These may not be free from personal bias and prejudices. These may not be adequate. It may be outdated.
Classification of Secondary Data Internal Secondary Data External Secondary data Sales Analysis Invoice Analysis Libraries Literatures Periodicals Ad Agencies C&R Data Other Sources
Census and Registration data (C&R) Census: Census of Population Census of Agriculture Census of Cattle Census of trade Census of Transport. Census of industry Census of Banking and Finance.
Registration Data: Trade Association Government Department Private sources Commercial Data Financial data International data References and bibliography Volume of statistics
Precautions in collection of secondary data Reliability of Data Suitability of data Adequacy of data Certain Precautions in selection of appropriate method for data collection 1.Nature, scope and object of enquiry 2.Time factor 3.Availability of funds 4.Precision required
Research Data Secondary Data Primary Data Qualitative DataQuantitative Data SurveyInterviews Document Review Observations
SURVEY Factors considered while conducting surveys are The general survey design The data collection method The technology for data acquisition. TYPES OF SURVEYS: Mail Survey: It is relatively inexpensive method of collecting data, One can distribute a large number of questionnaires in a short time Respondents are able to complete the questionnaire in their own time.
Hand Delivered Questionnaire or Schedules: This is self enumerated survey where questionnaires are delivered in hand to people This method usually results in better response rates than a mail survey It is particularly suitable when the information is needed from several household members. These hand delivered questionnaires are usually mailed back by the respondents after completion. The hand delivered with pick up method is used by Statistics India’s Census of Population. The hand delivered with respondent mail back can reduce the cost of collecting forms and gives a greater sense of privacy for respondents.