S TATISTICAL Q UESTION Aribelle surveyed students in the cafeteria line. She asked the statistical questions, How many photos are currently stored in your cell phone? She wants to organize the data and choose an appropriate way to display the results of her survey.
I NVESTIGATION You can collect, organize, display, and interpret data in order to answer a statistical question. Steps: 1. Make a data collection plan. 2. Collect the data. 3. Organize the dat. 4. Describe the data. 5. Create a display of the data.
S TEP 1: M AKE A C OLLECTION P LAN Aribelle chose to survey the students in the cafeteria.
S TEP 2: C OLLECT THE D ATA After Aribelle created her statistical question, she collected the data from the students in the cafeteria
S TEP 3: O RGANIZE THE D ATA When you organize the data, place the numbers in order from least to greatest , 44, 45, 47, 47, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 54, 55, 57, 58, 58, 60, 64, 65, 66, 81
S TEP 4: D ESCRIBE THE D ATA There were a total of responses. The responses measure in the number of. The data was collected using a. One attribute of the data is the median, which is photos. Another attribute is the interquartile range, which is photos. There is an outlier at photos. 20 photos survey
S TEP 5: C REATE A D ISPLAY OF THE D ATA Explain why a box plot would be an appropriate display of Aribelle’s data. Create a box plot of Aribelle’s data
C OLLABORATE 1. Write a statistical question: How many movies have you seen in the last three months? 2. Collect data (draw and fill out the table): 3. Create a histogram of the data. How many movies have you seen in the last three months? Number of MoviesNumber of Responses
R EFLECT Take the next 5 minutes to complete numbers 4-6.