Sea Turtles By Lilly McPherson
What effects does ocean pollution have on sea turtles * These ancient sea creatures are among the most endangered animals on the planet. *Green turtles are already endangered, and their lot seems to be getting worse. * They have been dropped by 75 % since 20 years.
If we don’t help the whole species could die out. Sea pollution on sea turtles.
Facts on sea turtle pollution Sea turtles are endangered and are becoming extinct.
We need to help the sea turtle Sadly, only an estimated one in 1o,ooo will survive to adulthood. An estimated 7 million tons of garbage ends up in our ocean each year.
Save the sea turtles Turtles haven’t got gills they need to breath at the surface
The effects on sea turtles Turtles often mistake plastic in the water for squid or jellyfish. The plastic then chokes and suffocates them.
Sea turtles Save the sea turtlesBe free sea turtles
Baby to adult Baby sea turtles are looking for a good life but most now do not live that long. This is what will happen to most of sea turtles
Facts on sea turtles Sea turtle facts on pollutionBaby sea turtles facts
Trapped in fishing nets or hanging on hooks they are unable to get back to surface and die deowned.
Baby sea turtles future
This is how sea turtles die If we continue pollting our oceans the marine ecosystem will face serious challenges
SAVE THE SEA TURTLES Sea turtles are becoming extinct because of pollution. Nets left be fisherman Then the turtles die from the nets