Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Interreg response to migration-related challenges Interreg response to migration-related challenges National Operational Programme «Legality» National Operational Programme «Legality» Vienna, 5 th July 2016
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Table of contents Vienna, 5 th July 2016 Overview: Migration related challenges What have we done? NOP “Security for development” NOP “Security for development” : Action Plan for Migratory Impact NOP “Security for development” 2007 ― 2013: Interventions in the context of migration What will we do? NOP «Legality» NOP «Legality» structure Migration issues inside NOP «Legality»
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Vienna, 5 th July 2016 Within EU Cohesion Policy, the Structural Funds assigned to Italian Home Office for the EU and Programming Cycles have been employed to develop and spread out security and legality conditions. Furthermore, a great amount of the above- mentioned resources has been applied to manage the significant impact of migration flows that are affecting the whole national territory. Italian Southern regions are particularly affected by migration flows, which have become really considerable from During the period , Italian Corps of Coast Guard have actually led a total amount of interventions in Convergence regions, treating almost people. Overview: Migration-related challenges
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Vienna, 5 th July 2016 Within EU Cohesion Policy, the National Operational Programme “Security for development – Convergence Objective” was adopted by the European Commission on 17 August The NOP was aimed at improving conditions of security, justice and equality for citizens and businesses, thus contributing to the development of areas characterized by a high degree of criminality (Calabria, Campania, Apulia and Sicily). The total budget of 772 million euros has allowed to fund about 425 projects. Among these, 82 projects have been financed to favor a more effectively managing of migration phenomenon, for a total amount of about 130 million euros and consistent with “Action Plan for Migratory Impact “ What have we done? NOP “Security for development” What have we done? NOP “Security for development”
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 NOP “Security for development” : Action Plan for Migratory Impact NOP “Security for development” : Action Plan for Migratory Impact Vienna, 5 th July 2016 I Pillar First aid and reception by sea By the acquisition of mobile vehicles (patrol boats, helicopters, etc. ) used for the search and rescue of immigrants as well as for first operations of identification. II Pillar Prosperity and integration By improving and strengthening: Legal immigrants social and working integration; Tools for monitoring migration phenomenon. III Pillar Reception and inclusion By speeding up the procedures to: Improve reception services for refugees; Foster immigrants’ economic and social integration The “Action Plan for Migratory Impact” allowed the Managing Authority of OP “Security” to develop and spread a comprehensive and global approach aimed to hinder the illegal trafficking and manage the first aid care, and built up on 3 pillars:
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Vienna, 5 th July 2016 1 project regarding the acquisition of medium-range helicopters for search and rescue of human beings by the sea, for a total amount of 41,4 million euros; 51 projects regarding the creation of reception centers, for a total amount of 49 million euros; 25 projects regarding the creation of multifunctional centers for the provision of social inclusion services, for a total amount of 13 million euros; 11 other projects regarding the provision of social inclusion services and technological infrastructures to favor the monitoring of migration phenomenon, for a total amount of 27 million euros; It is in pending the approval of a “Major Project” regarding the acquisition of patrol boats for the search and rescue of human beings, for a total amount of about 100 million euros. NOP “Security for development” 2007 – 2013: Interventions in the context of migration NOP “Security for development” 2007 – 2013: Interventions in the context of migration
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Still for the new Programming Cycle, migration phenomenon represents a significant issue for Italian Home Office, which arranged a new National Operational Programme, adopted by European Commission the 20 th October The new NOP “Legality” is a multi-fund programme (ERDF and ESF), with a total budget of 377 million euros, aimed at strengthening legality conditions for citizens and businesses, giving new impetus to economic development and improving social cohesion in the 5 “less developed” regions of Southern Italy (Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Apulia and Sicily). In particular, OP “Legality” will support interventions regarding: What will we do? NOP on «Legality» What will we do? NOP on «Legality» Vienna, 5 th July 2016 Fight against corruption and organized crime Security in productive areas Recovery of confiscated property Reception and inclusion of immigrants
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 NOP «Legality» structure Axis I «Strengthening PA action in the fight against corruption and organized crime» 91 MILLION EUROS Technology and intelligence for Police and Prefectures Axis II «Strengthening the legality conditions of strategic areas for economic development» 98 MILION EUROS Technologies for representation in strategic areas Axis III «Promoting social inclusion through the recovery of confiscated or unused assets» 56 MILION EUROS Restoration of confiscated properties Axis IV « Promoting social inclusion and spread of legality» 47 MILION EUROS Managing confiscated properties, contrast racketeering, contrast deviance Axis V «Improving PA skills in the fight against corruption and organized crime» 70 MILION EUROS Training for Police and Prefectures NOP LEGALITY MILLION EUROS Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Apulia, Sicily Technical Assistance and Communication 15 MILLION EUROS Vienna, 5 th July 2016
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Within NOP “Legality” , the Home Office intends to face the impact of migration flows through some specific interventions that can be financed in the context of two Axis: Axis III and Axis IV. Vienna, 5 th July 2016 Migration issues inside NOP «Legality» It will be possible to fund interventions aimed at strengthening reception services for legal immigrants, asylum seekers and humanitarian protection beneficiaries, pledging social and occupational integration. Axis IV Promoting social inclusion and spread of legality It will be possible to fund interventions aimed at allowing the creation of: reception centers for legal immigrants; small flats network for the temporary housing of asylum seekers and humanitarian protection beneficiaries. Axis III Promoting social inclusion through the recovery of confiscated or unused assets
Roma, 07 marzo 2014 Interreg response to migration-related challenges Interreg response to migration-related challenges National Operational Programme «Legality» National Operational Programme «Legality» Vienna, 5 th July 2016