Students:Ori Horin Michael Reznik Supervisor:Prof. Michael Segal Advisor:Mr. Erez Meital
2 Roadmap Ad-hoc Mobile Network Our project Motivation Main issues Maxtech networks protocol Routing in Ad-hoc Networks
3 Ad-hoc Mobile Network No need for network infrastructure – base stations are not needed Network nodes forward packets to and from each other Built spontaneously as devices connect Nodes can also function as a relay station to the other mobile stations
4 Motivation Connection to Base station is impossible No cellular infrastructure in a particular area Cellular network is overload Interference preventing the communication between a mobile station and a base station inside a concrete structure for example Very useful for Search and rescue forces Military forces Law enforcements
5 Network structure Choosing which nodes will function as relays Should I function as Relay ? Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues
6 Routing - which route to choose? Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues
7 Scheduling Network resources allocation QOS for Voice Ad-hoc Networks – Main issues 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____. 1. ____2. ____3. ____.
8 Provides mobile network devices Implements mobile mesh network technology Provides group of users with unprecedented mobile connectivity without the need for infrastructure support Maxtech Networks` product
9 Protocol Stack ApplicationApplication Data Management Transport Layer Data Management Transport Layer NetworkRoutingNetworkRoutingNetworkManagementNetworkManagement Link Management Link Control MMIMMI AudioManagementAudioManagementGatewayManagementGatewayManagement Serial Accessories Serial Driver RF Baseband AudioDriversAudioDriversLCDDriversLCDDrivers KeysKeys Link Control NetworkRoutingNetworkRoutingNetworkManagementNetworkManagement Link Management Fundamentals MAC - TDMA Connectivity – Proactive Adjacency Matrix Reach connectivity consensus Relays selection Building network backbone Choosing Master Allocate Resources
10 Management and Traffic Frame types 1) Information about network structure 2) Requests for network resources and responses of resources allocation 3) Payload (Voice/Data) TDMA cycle divided for each frame type
11 Connectivity Matrix Rows and columns represent units “0” – no link, “1” – bidirectional link How to build and update matrices ? Sender’s row is always first Units sends rows with version number Send changed rows first
12 Relays Selection – Building Backbone Best connected units are chosen for RELAYS Relays are the backbone of the network How to select Relays ? Each unit runs M.T.S. (Minimal Tree Search) algorithm on its matrix Running up to predefined maximum number of relays Choosing minimum number of relays Try to reach same matrix in all units
13 M.T.S. – Minimal Tree Search At the end of the process all the units “see” the same network structure Separated Components Some Connected Components Single Connected Component All the units “see” the same network structure No Yes
14 Master Master functions as the session control unit Units request for network resources (through network backbone) from the master to send data or voice Master makes the resource allocation decisions and sends them back to the units How to select master ? Master is the most central unit of the backbone
15 Allocate Resources Master allocate criterions Voice is at higher priority than data One channel for voice Maximum channels for data Allocate data for each source using greedy technique Master Request of voice Request of data Master Resources: Number of channels = 50 Allocate 1 channel voice – unit 1 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 2 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 9 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 2 Allocate 1 channel data - unit 9 Allocated: 1 channel – unit 1 25 channels – unit 2 24 channels – unit 9 Send allocation to all units Allocated: 1 channel – unit 1 25 channels – unit 2 24 channels – unit 9 Send allocation to all units Request of data Repeat until no allocations left
16 Management and Traffic Frame types 1) Information about network structure 2) Requests for network resources and responses of resources allocation 3) Payload (Voice/Data) TDMA cycle divided for each frame type
17 Project Goal Simulate an ad-hoc network which utilizes the unique ad-hoc routing protocol that has been developed by Maxtech Networks NS2 network simulator is used Examine the performance of the protocol Compare it to other known protocols in different network topologies – i.e. AODV, DSR, OLSR Analyze the results
18 Ns-2 is an open source network simulator that runs under linux It has a layers structure Modules are written in C++ Network structure and parameters written in TCL We are implementing the MAC and Network layer of Maxtech Networks protocol Simulation Routing LL IFq MAC NetIF Radio Propagation Model entry_ target_ Src/Sink Channel Port Demux ll_ ll_(0) uptarget_ downtarget_ uptarget_ propagation_ uptarget_ channel_
19 Questions