Graphically ( √ ) Algebraically (√) Using the Sandwich Theorem (this lesson)
Used for “ugly” functions when finding the limit using graphical or algebraic methods would be too difficult Strategy: “sandwich” or “squeeze” the function between two nicer ones and find the limits of the nice functions
If g(x) ≤ f(x) ≤ h(x) and then since f(x) is between g(x) and h(x)
Find two “bread” functions which can “sandwich” f(x)
-1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1 for ANY value of θ So g(x) = -x 2 and h(x) = x 2
Division by 0 means we can’t algebraically evaluate… graph is REALLY unpredictable!
-1 ≤ sin θ ≤ 1 for ANY value of θ
We have to change our “bread” slightly… g(x) = -x would cut through f(x) and it is always supposed to stay BELOW… Fix use absolute value functions
Once you have your “bread” functions, check on your TI to make sure you have chosen well
Evaluate by substitution
Once again, because we don’t want to cut through the function, we are going to use absolute values (this will happen any time your first choice of “bread” function would cut through the original function)
Test your choices on TI
Evaluate using substitution and Sandwich Theorem
Use the -1 ≤ BLAH ≤ 1 trick and develop your bread functions If necessary { when your bread has x and not x 2 as the base function } switch to absolute value functions for bread Use substitution to evaluate bread functions Therefore, the original limit is…