How I Survived a Heart Attack First Heart Health Lesson If you have high blood pressure, hypertension or a heart condition and have lost a loved one, you should get an EKG to check your heart as soon as you can, because your chances of having a heart attack just went up by 20%. “True Story!” When you lose a close family member (like a parent) or a true friend (husband / wife), your chances of having a heart attack go up by as much as 20%.
How I Survived a Heart Attack Second Heart Health Lesson I had high blood pressure, a bad cholesterol ratio, was 40+ lbs overweight,and smoked for approx. 20 years, 'quitting', was that simple choice that saved me from a permanent zipper. " If I had been a cigarette smoker I would have had a double bypass instead of 4 new stents." 20 % of the men and 40% of the woman that have this type of Heart Attack "Die" it is called a widow maker because their is little to no warning sign you just keep getting slower and feel tried all the time till that day you wake up with an Elephant sitting on your chest or don't wake at all. It is never to late to make a better choice, take a different path
How I Survived a Heart Attack Third Heart Health Lesson Every minute counts, go straight to a hospital when an attack hits, survival time ranges from a few minutes to several hours. Early symptoms may be mistaken for food poisoning, flu or general malaise until they intensify. Symptoms at initial onset may include nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, pain in the head, jaw, arms or chest, and numbness in the fingers. If you have any of these symptoms, they signal the need for immediate medical attention. A widow maker cannot kill instantaneously but induces cardiac arrest which may cause death within 10 to 20 minutes. A victim with no pulse or breath is still alive and living off oxygen stored in the blood, could be saved if treatment is begun within this window.
How I Survived a Heart Attack Fouth Heart Health Lesson Tart cherry juice is thought to be effective in preventing heart disease. In addition to its antioxidants content, Montmorency cherries are high in potassium, an very important mineral for those with high blood pressure. The Anthocyanins found in cherries may also protect artery walls from damage that leads to plaque buildup and heart disease. The deep color of tart cherries contain flavonoids called anthocyanins–naturally occurring pigment compounds that impart color to fruit, vegetables, and plants. Flavonoids, which contain antioxidants, help to protect the plant from disease. Research has shown that these natural plant chemicals also help remove toxins from the body.
How I Survived a Heart Attack
Fifth Heart Health Lesson There is a condition called re-perfusion injury and if you have enough Glutathione in your system it will protect your heart muscle during a heart attack from this type of injury. By taking daily, a Whey Protein Isolate called “Immunocal” I protected my heart muscle and saved my life. ● Visit ● Watch the Dr. Gutman Video to find out how Glutathione enhancement will "Optimizes your Immune System" and improve your long term survival chances.
How I Survived a Heart Attack It is my hope this information saves the life of a “LOVED ONE”