A BSR joint strategy for waste management Åsa Stenmarck IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Waste Management: challenge for sustainable development
RECO Baltic 21 Tech Is an Interreg IVB (Baltic Sea) project, running from December 2010 to December 2013 Has a budget of 2,8 mEuro Is a EUSBSR Flagship (HA Sustainable) and CBSS Lighthouse project
THE GOAL To improve the local and regional capacity to apply the process of implementing sustainable WM that catalyse the execution of the EU directives and supports the region to climb in the waste hierarchy.
Outputs Joint Strategy + Investment concept –Review of the existing situation Pilots WAMPS – LCA tool for waste management Portal (experts, equipment, financing, study visits) Procurement guidelines E-learning tool WM council MEDA transfer
Why a joint strategy ”Isolated” responsibility Heterogeneous region Effective use of capacity and financial resources Lift the region
Vision for the joint strategy The vision of the Baltic Sea Region is to become the flagship European region in sustainable municipal waste management without major disparities among the countries.
Corner stones waste management hierarchy and lifecycle perspective; polluter pays, precaution, subsidiarity and proximity; the same strategic approach for WM services to all citizens; optimal division of responsibilities among key actors. timely compliance with EU acquis requirements
Challenges Cross-municipal cooperation Optimised public-private partnership Conditions for higher hierarchy solutions Involve and motivate households Improve the financing of WM schemes
Stronger policy measures Infrastructure development in parallel
Challenges Strenghten EPR systems; households pay once De-poison waste streams; sorting quality More bio-waste away from landfills and incineration –Eliminate bio-waste early in the WM chain –MBT is a temporary solution for mixed municipal waste Change the perception of landfills
Main focus areas for solutions Strengthening of municipal capacities in waste management. More effective policy intervention to facilitate the climbing up the waste management hierarchy with better control and enforcement. Stronger households’ role in waste management systems, in particular – in source separation of waste, prevention and de- poisoning waste streams. Waste management systems built on shared and clear responsibilities between industry municipalities and households.