Welcome to English V01B
What do I need to know to succeed in this class? Students in past classes have told me… “Do all of the reading journals. Even if they’re only five points, it starts to accumulate.” “Don’t miss class.” “Really pay attention to the theories.” Don’t procrastinate on the essays. ASK QUESTIONS and come to the instructor for help on a draft. Check the website for what you missed. “You’re going to have to flex your brain.”
How do we define literature? Before I show you the definition, I want you to take two minutes and make a list of as many works (novels, poems, plays, essays, etc) that you consider to be literature as you can think of. Next, I want you to make a list of some written pieces (these might be entire books, even) that you do not think are literature. What do the books on your first list have in common? What do the books on your second list have in common?
Dictionary Definition of Literature The Oxford American College Dictionary defines “literature” as: “written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.” What exactly do you think is meant by “artistic merit”? Who decides this?
In-Class Writing #1 What do people generally mean when they call a piece of writing “literature”? What characteristics does “literature” have that sets it apart from other writing? Think about a favorite piece of writing (novel, non-fiction book, poem, play, etc) of yours. Would it be considered “literature” by most people? Do you think it should be considered literature?