The Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece
Ancient Grecian Art ● The art of Ancient Greece can be piled into two main categories ● - sculpture ● - painting/pottery
Sculpture ● The sculpture of Ancient Greece consisted of depictions of humans. Humans were often made the focus of art pieces because the Greeks found the human form interesting and idolized it.
Gods ● The sculptors were also made to honor the Gods as artists generally made representations of the Gods and Goddesses themselves.
Famous Sculptors Two important sculptors of Ancient Greece would be: -Myron -Praxiteles
Myron ● Myron was a sculptor from Athens who worked from B.C. Myron often sculpted people in motion so he made statues of the victors of the Olympic games.
Myron's Work
Paraxiteles ● Praxiteles( B.C.) was a sculptor who fell into the God honoring category. He sculpted Gods such as Aphrodite and Hermes. He also created statues of women form a model that he was rumored to have a romantic relationship with.
Praxiteles' Work
Painting/Pottery ● Artists often created vases, bowls and disks and then decorated them with paint. These creations ranged from paintings of people and the Gods to anything of particular interest. ● Two famous artists are ● Dorius ● Lydos
Douris' Work Douris was known for his representation of the Gods Such as Athena.
The Work of Lydos
Architecture Greek architecture served a similar purpose as did its art. Some architecture was created to glorify and praise the Gods and Goddesses These pieces of architectural grace were known as temples.
Ancient Grecian Temples
Orders of Architecture Most architecture can be classified into three orders determined by the columns located in the front with varying design and architectural detail.
Classifications These classifications are called: ● Doric ● Ionic ● Corinthian
Famous Architect of Ancient Greece ● Satyros(Satyrus) helped design the Mausoleum of Maussollos located at Halicarnassus along with Pythis. This structure was known to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World before it was destroyed in an earthquake.
Mausoleum of Maussollos