Team Name:RRP Selected EE country:Maldova Team Leader:K.Prithvi Team Members:P.Ratan Rithwik We are from India Indian Institute Of Technology Madras No.


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Presentation transcript:

Team Name:RRP Selected EE country:Maldova Team Leader:K.Prithvi Team Members:P.Ratan Rithwik We are from India Indian Institute Of Technology Madras No Mentor

MOLDOVA ● Our prime research was on economy of Moldova and sustainable fields ● Stabilised in ● Textile and apparel industry ● Agriculture ● Wine making

advantages: -proximity to europian markets -certain support industries like embroydery service providers,distributers of accessories,equipments and gadgets and labour force training are emerging -it is wise to capatilize in this because the cooperation between the service providers and apparel companies would reach a larger climbs

future challanges and conclusions -to move label pilots to a critical mass the maldovan apparel sector will have to make significant strides in upgrading their product concept and design skills and developing brand management and marketing skills -to do this supporting institutions and regulations will be an important enabler of the sector -to continually increase the efficiencies in lowering the cost in ggreater value new technologies have to be adopted

Eastern Europe has resources to export agricultural products and their derivatives

They export too

Then what we do?.. We make it even better

To make Eastern Europe compete with the world we form the foundation

Our vision is not to rule the international market but we aid other companies to rule

We help them increase their productivity through machinery for sectors that are of grass roots for the economy *textile and apparel sector *agricultural sector *wine making *cattle forming