VisualDCT – New features and future development Sunil Sah, Rok Šabjan, Matej Šekoranja Presented at the EPICS Meeting in Padova,
Cosylab Acknowledgements The work was funded by the NSLS-II project at BNL Special thanks goes to Bob Dalesio and Don Dohan for their valuable inputs
Cosylab Spreadsheet Introduction VisualDCT: Visual representation of EPICS database Benefits: Spatial data organization logical grouping visible data dependencies traceable processing patterns Drawbacks: Type oriented information is dispersed does not enable grouping of similar records does not enable editing of multiple fields belonging to one type some people still prefer vi to manage substitution files Solution: multiple views of the same database spatial + spreadsheet
Cosylab Spreadsheet Overview Type oriented view Interface to other spreadsheet applications clipboard operations Data scope spatial selection of input default view: displaying nondefault data user defined view customizations Persistence view stored together with data in db file, in relational database
Cosylab Spreadsheet Features Basic spreadsheet functionality copy/paste, drag and drop selection by rectangular blocks or rows undo/redo View customization column/row hidding column/row sorting (by content, group, preset orders)
Cosylab Spreadsheet Features (Cont.) Column splitting manipulate data below the level of a field value split by delimiters or pattern using regular expressions
Cosylab Spreadsheet Features (Cont. 2) Field manipulation counters Rec, Rec, Rec -> Rec1, Rec2, Rec3 number macro expansions Rec[0-3]_def[0-1] -> Rec0_def0, Rec0_def1, Rec1_def0, Rec1_def1,... Field verification record name pattern, links configuration default xml configuration custom plugin implementation Implemented in build 1273
Cosylab Current efforts Completed tasks Multiple window support Db persistence in the RDB Enabling cross-db development multiple epics databases stored in a relational database support for cross-db editing/validation
Cosylab Future work Open questions descriptive vs. prescripive RDB dbd files vs. definitions stored in RDB New Tasks RDB support for VisualDCT templates support object-like inheritance Versioning using cvs,... IRMIS component type driven VisualDCT JavaIOC compatible VDCT The majority of VDCT needs to be rewritten Re-design of the visual part (Eclipse, DESY)
Cosylab Thank You for Your Attention