1 st Consortium Management Team Meeting University of Belgrade 27 th -28 th November 2014 WP8 - Management Progress Presentation (month 1- 12) Prof. dr.


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Presentation transcript:

1 st Consortium Management Team Meeting University of Belgrade 27 th -28 th November 2014 WP8 - Management Progress Presentation (month 1- 12) Prof. dr BILJANA MIŠIĆ ILIĆ University of Niš, Serbia

WP8 activities A 8.1 Organizing kick-off project meeting, setting up project management bodies, signing partnership agreement A 8.2 Adopting relevant documents and passing relevant decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings A 8.3 Doing regular financial administration and bookkeeping A 8.4 Doing financial auditing (mid-term and end) A 8.5 Doing day-to-day coordination activities

WP8 8.1 A 8.1 Organizing kick-off project meeting, setting up project management bodies, signing partnership agreement D 8.1 Relevant project documents adopted, project management bodies set up, partnership agreement signed Period month 1-5, delivery date 30/4/2014 COMPLETED!  reports on the meeting posted on project website, all meeting decisions made available, as well as all relevant documents (application form, budget, Grant Agreement) Reports at GA at technical-templates?start=10; technical-templates?start=10 AF and budget at MNGT platform

WP8 8.2 A 8.2 Adopting relevant documents and passing relevant decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings Duration: 3-36, delivery date 30/11/2016 (final) ONGOING 

WP8 8.2 (ctd.) A 8.2 Adopting relevant documents and passing relevant decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings COMPLETED SO FAR  : Meetings: Study visits and various other opportunities used also as for direct communication and coordination of activities with contact persons and key persons from all partner institutions Intensive communication, when needed prior to decisions Formal decisions: RS partners nominated members for equipment purchase committee Financial audit company hired by contract, in April 2014

WP8 8.2 (ctd..) A 8.2 Adopting relevant documents and passing relevant decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings COMPLETED SO FAR  : Documents created and adopted: Guide to Project Financial Management technical-templateshttp:// technical-templates (Guide PFM) All information posted on the project website and management platform

WP8 8.3 A8.3 Doing regular financial administration and bookkeeping Duration: 1-36, delivery date 30/11/2016 (final) ONGOING 

WP8 8.3 (ctd.) A8.3 Doing regular financial administration and bookkeeping COMPLETED SO FAR  : All partners received the first installment of their budgets General financial instructions defined and given in PA and Guide PFM to all the partners and individual info to particular partners, when necessary. DELAY  : Reports on financial administration NOT submitted regularly and posted on the website MNGT platform Still no feedback from most partners regarding documentation (very few partners uploaded their financial documentation (staff and travel supporting documents, and the Excel bookkeeping table)

WP Doing financial auditing (mid-term and end) Duration: 18-36, delivery date 30/11/2016 (final) Related to 8.3: Official external examination of financial records POTENTIAL PROBLEM  Different and sometimes unclear and conflicting EU, national, local, and institutional legislations and policies, regarding staff rates, supporting documents and taxes. Documents to be gathered and kept for ex-post audits. (cf. letters from EACEA regarding staff costs and equipment purchase, at: technical-templates technical-templates

WP Doing day-to-day coordination activities Duration: 1-36, delivery date 30/11/2016 (final) ONGOING  Direct communication at institutional level, and with other partners, whenever possible to combine with other activities Extensive communication between coordinator and partners, and among WP leaders themselves, when necessary Communication with NTO and EACEA officer, whenever in doubt Documents exchanged electronically Project website used for general info and documents / /

WP8 8.5 (ctd.) 8.5 Doing day-to-day coordination activities ONGOING  Project management platform used for documents available for consortium members only (presentations, reports, finance…) Instructions: THE ON-LINE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLATFORM (PMP) GUIDELINES at: technical-templates technical-templates

REPORTING WP leaders reports: 5 in total, submitted to Quality Assurance Group and Coordinator I WP report - 30 th September 2014 ALL completed! II WP report – 28 th February 2015 III WP report – 30 th September 2015 IV WP report – 28 th February 2016 V WP report – 30 th September 2016

REPORTING (ctd.) PARTNER REPORTS: Annual reports (three in total), prepared by the project partners, submitted to QUALITY ASSURANCE GROUP and Coordinator o I Partner Report – 30 th September 2014;  (still) MISSING: SCONUS, MESTD o II Partner Report – 30 th September 2015; o III Partner Report – 30 th September 2016; CONSORTIUM REPORTS: Prepared by the Coordinator to be delivered to EACEA: –Intermediate Report – 1 st June 2015 and –Final report – 1 st December ESSENTIAL TIMELY INPUT FROM ALL PARTNERS!!!

Financial reporting Strictly as specified in the Guide to Project Financial Management ! Physical documentation –originals at each partner institution – photocopies sent to UNI E-documentation uploaded at the MNGT platform Excel table regularly updated and uploaded by each partner For partners’ current level of completing this task, check special document with the coordinator, and refer to the next presentation