1) Taxes GST PST HST Tarriffs / Customs Duties Special taxes for gas, liquor, cigarettes
2) Control of Distribution Marketing Boards Regulate farming products (where and how much) Government controlled Chicken, eggs, turkey, tobacco, milk (Dairy Farmers of OntarioDairy Farmers of Ontario Implements regulations [p. 103], (ex: Canadian Wheat Board video 1, video 2)video 1, video 2 Antitrust Legislation Government does not control competition / price Federal Competition Act forbids non-approved groups to gather to control supply / price / distribution without government approval
Money Supply Bank of Canada regulates money supply and sets borrowing rates Licensing and Permits Special permits required by businesses operating for food, drugs, liquor, lodging, transportation, entertainment, broadcasting (CRTC), tobacco and firearms Business must have a GST and PST # Government-imposed zoning regulations
) Other Regulations Health and Safety Regulations Food and Drug Act (transport and distribution of drugs/food) Regulations for electrical products, children’s clothing, furniture, toys, chemicals, cleaners, automobiles… Quality Control Regulations imposed particularly in agriculture and clothing Canada Agricultural Products Standards Act Fish Inspection Act Textile Labeling Act
Ethical Business Practices Competition Act prohibits fraud and deceptive business practices Business Practices Act forbids misleading consumers about product quality and terms of sale Consumer Protection Act provides a 2-day window to cancel door-to-door sales contracts that have been signed, and no discounts for sales leads