Your Role as CFC Campaign Coordinator CFC Basics – General Facts Campaign Materials & Reporting Online Giving & Pledge Processing 2016 Strategies for a Successful Campaign Marketing for 2016 CFC Special Events & FUNdraising Ideas WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES
MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is to support and to promote philanthropy through a program that is employee-focused, cost efficient and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.
Offering a single guide, called the Charity Listing, and payroll deduction, the CFC brought the diversity of fundraising efforts under one efficient and fair umbrella. One campaign….Once a year. PURPOSE OF THE CFC
Only government-authorized means of solicitation to employees in the federal workplace - on behalf of charitable organizations Most inclusive workplace giving campaign in the world Nearly 130 campaigns nationwide & overseas Over 20,000 nonprofit organizations worldwide In 2015, nearly 800,000 federal, military and postal employees contributed more than $177,781,964 Locally, nearly 6,000 federal employees gave over $2.8 million! More than $7 billion has been contributed since 1964 QUICK FACTS ABOUT THE CFC
Heartland CFC Local United Way Average Non-profit Overhead acceptable by Better Business Bureau (2012) CFC (Nat’l Average) The Heartland CFC is proud of its low fundraising cost
CFC ORGANIZATION Loaned Executive Campaign Coordinator Canvassers Division Chair Loaned Executive Canvassers Campaign Coordinator Division Chair Campaign Coordinator Canvassers Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) Co-Chair (Management) Co-Chair (Labor) Division Chair Campaign Coordinator Loaned Executive Canvassers Details on Page 3 of your Guide
CFC Staff Loaned Executive Coordinators Canvassers & Employees COMMUNICATION FLOW
The Combined Federal Campaign belongs to YOU It is designed as a partnership between the employee, the Federal Government and the charitable organizations It operates completely through direct donor choice CHOICE
National/International Organizations TYPES OF CHARITIES Local Federations (has member charities ) Local Independent Organizations
Multiple convenient ways to give: 1.One-time gifts (check/cash) 2.Payroll deduction (most popular) 3.Online giving (payroll deduction) Employee Express, myPay and CFC Nexus 4.Special Events/Fundraisers CONVENIENCE
All CFC-approved charities must meet specific criteria: 501c3, non-profit Audited Run by a Board of Directors And other considerations Federal employees review all charities listed in the catalog The CFC has a proven track record of efficiency and accuracy with charity reviews CREDIBILITY
MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR DONATION Heartland Combined Federal Campaign Designated dollars raised in 2015$2,602,859 Undesignated dollars raised in 2015 $210, Fundraising/Administrative Cost 8.1% well below the National average Donating through CFC has a greater IMPACT: Example for 2015 Your amount pledge through CFC$ Undesignated Dollars for your charity (7.9%) Your total designated gift to your charity $215.75
COORDINATORS: GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES Make sure all employees are aware of their opportunity to pledge through pledge card or online – including all teleworkers Plan special events & fundraisers within agency, including scheduling charity fairs & speakers Turn in all pledge cards, cash/checks, special events donations, etc. – complete all required forms See Page 3 of your Guide for details
COORDINATORS’ GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain record of donations/pledges within agency (verify accuracy with LE) Distribute donation gifts to employees Thank all employees & volunteers Distribute info/updates to employees (as provided by agency head, LE or CFC staff, as needed) – usually via See Page 3 of your Guide for details
Both ~ Develop campaign objectives ~ Plan and implement campaign events ~ Disperse pledge cards Campaign Coordinators ~ Check paper pledge forms for accuracy ~ Fill out the campaign report envelopes/turn in donations ~ Submit reports and donations/pledges to your Loaned Executive Campaign Canvassers ~ Collect pledge cards ~ Discuss donating with all employees COORDINATORS / CANVASSERS
Canvassers Training materials are available online at (Click on “Coordinators & Canvassers” tab and select CFC Canvassers link) Your Loaned Executive is also available to assist you and can also provide you with a copy of the training presentation TRAINING CANVASSERS
KEY CAMPAIGN DATES Loaned Executives’ Duties Begin August 29 KC Campaign Coordinator Workshops (3) August 11 and 23 September 13 Topeka Campaign Coordinator Workshop August 25 Wichita Campaign Coordinator Workshop September 8 Springfield Campaign Coordinator WorkshopSeptember 15 Campaign Planning & Training August/September CFC Leadership Summit September 28 HEARTLAND CFC KICKOFFSept. 26 Campaign Events for your Agency(Set your dates) Your Loaned Executive available Sept. 6 – Dec. 4 HEARTLAND CFC ENDSDecember 2 CFC Awards CeremonyJanuary 19, 2017 (Save the Date) See Page 14 of your Guide
Pre-Campaign (Pg ) Steps 1 – 6 During the Campaign (Pg ) Steps 7 – 9 Post-Campaign (Pg ) Steps 10 – 12 See your Guide for details THE CAMPAIGN ACTION PLAN
CFC Charity Listing (Catalog) 2016 Pledge Cards Coordinator Report Forms Report Envelopes CFC Promotional Items and more….. CAMPAIGN MATERIALS
Every 2016 Heartland CFC-approved charity is listed in this Charity Catalog with the following information: 2016 CHARITY LISTING - FORMAT
NATIONAL TAXONOMY OF EXEMPT ENTITIES (NTEE) CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM A Arts, Culture, and Humanities B Education C Environment D Animal Related E Health Care F Mental Health & Crisis Intervention G Voluntary Health Associations & Medical Disciplines H Medical Research I Crime & Legal Related J Employment K Food, Agriculture & Nutrition L Housing & Shelter M Public Safety, Disaster Preparedness & Relief N Recreation & Sports O Youth Development P Human Services Q International, Foreign Affairs & National Security R Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy S Community Improvement & Capacity Building T Philanthropy, Voluntarism & Grantmaking Foundations U Science & Technology V Social Science W Public & Societal Benefit X Religion-Related Y Mutual & Membership Benefit Z Unknown
COORDINATOR’S REPORT FORM A report form must be included inside every batch envelope – all parts that apply should be filled in, including the currency tally section (if cash included)
BATCH ENVELOPE Please submit up to 100 pledge cards per batch envelope. You can request more envelopes if needed. Attach a pledge card to every cash or check donation from each employees Attach a single pledge card to special event money with “Events, Special” in the name fields
CARING FOR COMMNUNITY AWARD FORM 2016 Caring for Community Award Target at least 6-7 criteria in your campaign planning and you’ll be eligible for this award.
Submit this form to request charities for speaking events or displays. Please do not contact charities directly until confirmed. CHARITY DISPLAY & SPEAKER’S REQUEST FORM
Campaign Planning Documents: FUNdraising & Events Planning Form FUNdraising Event Ideas (detailed) Checklist Sample Forms & Instructions Campaign Report Form Incentive Request Form (Community Supporter) Speakers’ Bureau Request Form Pledge Card Online Donation Instructions Sample & Template documents: Thank-You certificates Sample letters, s & newsletters ONLINE RESOURCES Speeches, Meetings and Rallies Online Catalog and Charity Search Engine Online Pledging Access Calendar of Events & Announcements Campaign Progress Posters Downloadable Pledge Form (PDF format) And so much more…
2016 INCENTIVE LEVELS EAGLE DONORS Donations of $1,000+ COMMUNITY INVESTORS Donations of $ See Page 9 in your Guide
(Achieving Campaign Excellence) Bronze Level 50% Participation $80 per capita Silver Level 66% Participation $100 per capita Gold Level 80% Participation $120 per capita Agencies achieving these levels will receive a framed certificate at the Awards Ceremony in January. ACE AWARDS
Caring for Community Award Highest Percentage Growth Highest Dollar Growth Highest Average Gift For each agency size, based on number of employees: Less than 10, 10-49, , 500+ OPM CFC Hero Award (individuals) OTHER AWARDS
1. Increase overall participation 2. Increase the exposure of employees to CFC, especially teleworkers 3. Enhance Leadership Support 4. Help Boost Morale Regarding CFC 5. Prepare for Changes but Keep Everything Going this Year as Usual 2016 CAMPAIGN STRATEGIES See Page 8 in your Guide
1. Create a “Show Some Love” Bulletin Board 2. Share pics on Facebook #ShowSomeLoveHeartland See Page 6 in your Guide
“Tell me and I’ll forget. Show me and I’ll remember. Involve me and I’ll understand.” - Chinese Proverb
MARKETING FOR Quick & Easy Fundraisers See Page 7 in your Guide
MARKETING FOR 2016 ABC Charity 4. Virtual Charity Fair
MARKETING FOR Hour of Power 6.Host a Lunch & Learn 7.You could be selected to be in the Campaign Coordinator’s Spotlight… See Page 7 in your Guide
COORDINATOR SPOTLIGHT Nominated by your LE: Report to LE the status of your campaigns (especially % of goal reached) Share your creative and exciting events that you are implementing, especially those initiatives that are fostering goodwill in the workplace (i.e. kick-offs, special events, meetings, fundraisers, etc.). See Page 7 in your Guide
CHALLENGING DONORS: Think about your experiences with co- workers. What do they think about CFC? How can you help change the negative views of some? 2016 STRATEGIES: Revisit the Campaign Strategies & Marketing Ideas on Page 8 of your Guide. Identify how you can implement these within your agency (esp. reaching teleworkers, promoting the impact, etc.) RETURNING COORDINATORS: Share some successful fundraisers that you have held in the past. What made them successful? ALL COORDINATORS: What fundraisers do you plan to hold this year? GROUP/OPEN DISCUSSION
1.Read your Coordinator’s Guide 2.Meet with your agency head 3.Form your committee/team of Canvassers 4.Set your campaign kick-off date & other date(s) for special events, charity fairs, etc. 5.Utilize any campaign planning resources available on our website 6.Communicate with your Loaned Executive in September to schedule campaign material drop-off WHAT NEXT???