Establishment of a multi-level transnational Network among various countries for voluntary Return Issues ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΜΟΝΑΔΑ ΤΑΜΕΙΩΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ The.


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Presentation transcript:

Establishment of a multi-level transnational Network among various countries for voluntary Return Issues ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΜΟΝΑΔΑ ΤΑΜΕΙΩΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ The Voluntary Return Network is managed by the University of Nicosia and the Independent, non-governmental, non-profit centre CARDET. The project “Establishment of Multilateral Network of Various Countries for Return Issues”, (Action 2, European Return Fund, Annual Program 2012) is co-funded by the European Return Fund (95%) and the Republic of Cyprus (5%) Madrid 4 June 2014

Proposal Partners The University of Nicosia and the independent, non-governmental research centre CARDET, manage the action within the framework of the Call for Proposals by the Cyprus Ministry of Interior (ΥΕ/ΤΑ/ΣΕ/ ).University of NicosiaCARDET The Action focuses on the establishment of a multi-level transnational Network in the Mediterranean Region for assisting the voluntary Return of rejected application of Third Country Nationals.

Main purpose Exchange of information and good practices with European, Mediterranean and other countries in assisting the Voluntary Return of Rejected Third Country National Applicants Build collaborative relationships, by giving emphasis to stable, effective and operational working relations, among the organisations and authorities which become network members

4 The network is a tool Develop an identity based on the shared domain of interest Members engage in joint activities and build relationships Practitioners and Community - Develop a shared repertoire of resources: –Map knowledge and Experience –Identify Gaps - Problem Solving –Reuse Assets –Coordinate and Collaborate Network as a Community of Practice 1 4

Objectives exchange of information among related stakeholders exchange of evidence-based practices develop and manage a database of resources on voluntary return develop a collaborative framework among national and European public services and other relevant stakeholders build the professional capacity of the Network’s members

Major Collaborators DGI – CM (España) Veneto Lavoro (Italia) Menedek (Hungria) PRAKSIS (Grecia) Cáritas Líbanon City of Munich (Germany) European Information Centre (Bulgaria) Hungary Debrecen University Faculty of Health (Hungary) KOPIN (Malta) SERUS (Sweden) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)

Main Actions Web platform ( Web platform will provide information about: –The action iimplementation phases, –Social media services and online discussions –Exchange of documents, debates, and other kind of sources –Digital archive (books, articles, research reports etc) –Preliminary Online courses – life long education –News and network members info dissemination

Main Actions Training Visit Abroad –5 representatives from local organisations (priority will be given to public servants) that are working in the Voluntary Return field will visit another country – relevant organisations to review the country’s system as well as to get a first hand experience of programmes and practices that could be transferred and utilised in Cyprus

Main Actions Digital Archive Development of a digital archive where different source of information will be available along with physical catalogues Good practice catalogue on assisting Voluntary Return from different countries and organisations The digital resources will be available to the web platform The hardcopy (i.e. books and reports) will be available to the public from the library of University of Nicosia

Main Actions Training Seminars for Local Partners Two training seminars will be offered to local organisations: –Information about assisting voluntary return of rejected applicants –Good practice example –Methodologies to prepare them for leaving the country

Main Actions International Conference –An international Conference will be organised on June 2014 –Participants from Cyprus and other European and International countries will be invited to present their work, to exchange ideas and discuss the network sustainability