Research Gaps in Cash Transfer Programming Lois Austin
Why? Understand what research is available Find out who the key research actors Find out how research findings and recommendations are used and shared – impact? Identify and prioritize research gaps
CTP Research Context Shift from viability of CTP towards a large % of action-based and operational research – more specific themes demonstrating what works A lot of research that contributes to internal strategies – often not shared Time constraints for many organizations prevent in-depth study – emergencies
Key Research Actors Few key actors conducting research on CTP – CaLP, ODI Operational research conducted is growing Research agendas are influenced by areas of existing investment
Current Gaps Potential research areas (6 priorities out of 16) – Cost efficiency and effectiveness comparison – Multi-sector cash programming – Wash and CTP – Health potential and CTP – Links between social protection systems and emergency CTP – Cash in refugee contexts Pulling together existing guidelines and tools
Addressing the Gaps Close collaboration of research bodies, implementing agencies, donors and other actors is needed to ensure practical recommendations that people can use
Measuring impact is complex and time consuming More likely to have increased impact when solutions to identified problems are given Research Utilization and Impact
Research Dissemination Reinforcement of dissemination needed in order to reach a broader target audience - converted/non-converted – Decision makers – Government
Recommendations Linking research to interventions from the start Cataloguing process of exist research needed An up-to-date Good Practice Review to synthesize guidelines and tools Research strategy developed CaLP should take the lead on some of the priority areas of research
Recommendations continued.. Advocacy for the undertaking of other research by other actors Build on dissemination practices Sufficient time for measuring the impact of research