ESPON 2013 Programme Info Day on Calls and Partner Café Call for Proposals on ESPON Scientific Platform and Tools A Decade of Territorial Evidence
Priority 3: Scientific Platform and Tools Objectives Ensure the consolidation of the territorial knowledge for evidence-informed policy formulation and application Ensure data, territorial indicators and tools usable for policy makers and practitioners at all levels Support the preparation of effective territorial policy, strategy and planning processes Continuously assess and monitor territorial development dynamics in relation to territorial policy objectives at European level Ensure public access to the ESPON data and tools Stimulate use of the indicators, data and tools provided by ESPON Ensure compliance with European standards for spatial referencing and storage of data
Priority 3: Scientific Platform and Tools Four types of actions ESPON Database and data development Territorial Indicators/Indices and Tools Territorial Monitoring System and Reports Targeted Actions for Updates of Indicators and Maps Territorial Indicators /Indices DatabaseMonitoring
Call for Proposals on 3 Scientific Platform and Tools projects Project themes 1. European Territorial Monitoring System 2. Detecting Territorial Potential and Challenges 3. European Urban Benchmarking Web Tool Total available budget: ,00 €
Outputs Delivery of outputs varies depending on project’s length, usually request for: o Inception report o Interim report o Draft final report o Final report Presentation of project results at certain events are foreseen for all projects (see individual project specifications) Max. budget foreseen should cover all costs for completing the study, incl. travel expenses and attendance at meetings One single proposal will be selected for each of the themes indicated Call for Proposals on 3 Scientific Platform and Tools projects
1. European Territorial Monitoring System Policy setting The project shall propose a European Territorial Monitoring System (ETMS) that on a regular basis can provide territorial information in relation to European policy orientations and objectives (practical statistical exercise focused on the European level and mainly using a top-down approach). The project shall contribute for a better understanding of European territorial trends and structures, as well as the diversity and position of the various regions, specific territories and cities in the European context. The key target group is policy-makers and practitioners at different geographical levels. The project shall mainly build up on already existing ESPON results information and tools: INTERCO, ESPON data, ESPON TPM, ESPON HyperAtlas, experience from the ESPON 2006 Programme (Project 4.13). In addition, it needs to consider the experience from national observatories, DG REGIO and EUROSTAT.
1. European Territorial Monitoring System Expected outputs: 1. Definition and setting up a practical European Territorial Monitoring System, meeting the needs of policymakers for factual, statistical information and evidence on territorial trends, dynamics and patterns in European regions, specific territories and cities (30-50 selected territorial indicators, covering different geographical levels). 2. Build up a simple and user friendly application to visualise and to communicate the information to policy makers to be integrated in the interface of the ESPON Database 3. Elaboration of a first “European Territorial Monitoring Report” (app. 50 pages) 4. Elaboration of a short, easy understandable and high communicative booklet on “Key Facts and Figures on Territorial Dynamics in Europe” (10-15 pages). Budget:Max Euro Project period: December 2012 – July 2014
2. Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges Policy setting The project aims at meeting the increasing demand for analytical methods and approaches to detect territorial potentials involving a European perspective and to turn challenges into potentials. The key target group is practitioners and policy-makers at local and regional level. The project shall develop and provide practical guidance on how to utilise ESPON knowledge to detect territorial potential deriving from their larger territorial context. The project will utilise and further elaborate the framework for territorial analysis on detecting potentials presented in the report “Regional Use of ESPON Knowledge” based on the ESPON Internal Seminar in Malmö 2009.
2. Detecting Territorial Potentials and Challenges Expected output: A conceptual framework based on an inventory of analytical approaches as well as quantitative and qualitative methods supporting the detection of territorial potentials coming out of the ESPON Targeted Analyses. Documentation of good practices supporting the selection of 5-8 in-depth case study areas, where local and regional practitioners are engaged to testing the analytical approaches and methods in practice. A practical handbook/guidance tool giving concrete support to local and regional practitioners on possible analytical approaches and methods for detecting territorial potential while integrating a larger European perspective. Budget: Max ,00 € Project period: December 2012 – December 2013
3. European Urban Benchmarking Web Tool Policy setting This project should result in easy-to-use ‘quick-scan’ web tool that will allow an initial overview of the risks and opportunities for European cities, the potentials for investment and allow benchmarking as well as comparisons of cities using typologies The target group will be public and private investors and policymakers and practitioners, particularly at the municipal level It will draw further value from existing ESPON results and other results It will add value in terms of bringing ESPON territorial evidence to new audiences Reflecting audience and data needs, there will be support from the ESPON MC, a steering group (EIB, ESPON CU and EUROSTAT), the Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities and others
3. European Urban Benchmarking Web Tool Expected outputs The conceptualisation, development and delivery of a ‘quickscan’ webtool that: appeals to the target group in form and function covers around 15 ‘risk and opportunity’ indicators and 900 cities has European and national levels also is ready-to-upload-and-use with explanatory webtext A short demonstration report, showcasing the web tool’s: ability content ease of use A forward strategy for updating the tool that: is relatively light touch considers, and aligns with, Eurostat’s plans Budget:Max ,00 Euro Project period: December ’12 – December ’13
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