No new areas of hypokinesis on cine CMR New LGE after PCI New LGE after PCI
LGE new and Tn/CK-MB increase - From 9 cases with LGE (2 patients did not have postprocedural TnI) 6 were detected with TnI assay – 63% diagnostic accuracy (TnI > 2x ULN). - No linear relationship between LGE mass and TnI amount - CK-MB was less sensitive for myonecrosis detection in comparison with TnI – 4 cases from 11 – 36% with increase >1xULN; BUT only 1 case >2x ULN (9%); - No linear relationship with LGE detected mass
TnI assay sensitivity for LGE detection AUC 83%, sensitivity 89%, specificity 56%, p =.026 for LGE detection, when TnI >.05ng/dl
Parameters associated with new LGE LGE new (+)LGE new (-)p – value* SB lesion length, mm5.31 ± ± SB ostial MLD post stenting, mm.59 ±.1.99 ± Distal Limb Diameter final, mm 2.93 ± ± MB MLD final, mm2.82 ± ± MB %DS final, %-2% ± 12%14% ± 5%.002 SB %DS post stenting, %74% ± 16%59% ± 16%.049 LDL, mg/dl88 ± 3655 ± Trig, mg/dl110 ± 2979 ± Creatinine, mg/dl1.1 ± ± TnI post stenting, ng/ml2.23 ± ± * p <.05 one sided Man – Whitney U-test
Association between post stent implantation SB MLD and LGE mass and percent from LV mass
ROC analysis for effects of SB MLD and SB %DS post stenting on periprocedural myonecrosis SB MLD <.78 mm post stenting reveals new LGE with sensitivity 50%, specificity 70%, p =.074, AUC 78%. SB %DS >71% post stenting reveals new LGE with sensitivity 60%, specificity 83%, p =.129, AUC 73%.