Reasons for refining our homework practice
There is no research that supports improved performance in grades 3-5. There is no research on homework for Kindergarteners to 2nd graders. In the meta-analysis of more than 120 studies found there to be no correlation between amount of time on homework and achievement. In fact, “the effect of homework on achievement is trivial, if it exists at all. ” Dozens of studies fail to find homework making big gains in test scores. (Cooper, 2001)
In 2005, PE for Life conducted a study of 887,000 students who now did 45 minutes of physical education (Dance Revolution, some fitness machines and bicycles) every day BEFORE school they increased their Math scores the highest and Reading scores the second highest….without any additional homework! Exercise also helps reduce stress and increases endorphin production which makes us happy.
Emerging research suggests that, in similar fashion, play facilitates healthy cognitive development by stimulating frontal lobe maturation, by alleviating Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) symptoms (such as impulsiveness), and by promoting pro-social minds through the maturation of behavioral inhibition (Panksepp 2003, 2007, 2008). Thus, physically strenuous play synthesizes the neural benefits of both exercise and play by simultaneously providing physical, social, and intellectual stimulation.
Middle school and high school students who participated in instrumental music scored significantly higher than their non-band peers in standardized tests. (Trent, 1999) The NELL’s tracked 25,000 students over 10 years, who all had been involved in a music program (1997). Students tested higher on standardized tests (SATs) AND in reading proficiency exams. A meta-analysis of 24 studies showed that in a sample of 500,000 high schools students a strong and reliable association between music instruction and reading test scores (Butzlaff, 2000) 6 to 15 year old boys with music training had significantly better verbal memory than children without training (Ho, Cheung, & Chan, 2003)
It builds family connections and helps to improve school attendance, educational performance, classroom behavior, emotional well-being, and helps to prevent drug and alcohol abuse, eating-disorders and smoking behaviors in teens (Sax 2005). More dinners with parents means decreased drug and alcohol use (CASA 2003)
Conclusive Results on reading for interest showed a positive effect on grades, reading level, and standardized tests. (Hofferth & Sandburg 2001)
If students do not understand how to do a skill, doing more than five problems creates bad habits that must be broken before learning the correct way of doing it. If students understand the skill, doing more than five problems results in boredom.
Bennett, Sara (2006) The Case Against Homework Buell, John. (2004) Closing the Book on Homework. CASA, Columbia University (2003). The Formative Years: Pathways to Substance Abuse for Girls Cooper, Harris. (2007) The Battle Over Homework. Elkind, David. (2007). The Power of Play. Kohn, Alfie. (2006) The Homework Myth. Krallovec, Etta and Buell, John. (2001). The End of Homework. LeTendre, Gerald. (2005) National Differences, Global Similarities: World Culture and the Future of Schooling Marzano, Robert (2001). Classroom Instruction That Works. Reeves, Douglas. (2001). 101 Questions and Answers about Standards, Assessment, and Accountability.